Thursday, July 31, 2008

[MW:988] Re: 985] Re: HAZ

Dear Mr Mahuri
Please post your querries with appropriate subject line and also don't
club different querries together

Thanking for your cooperation

On Jul 31, 5:50 pm, "Mahuri Snehkumar \(TIPO - QA/QC\)"
<> wrote:
> Dear Bose,
> The difference what you have mentioned that I am also well aware of, but I require some other major difference.
> Regards,
> Snehkumar L. Mahuri
> Lead - Welding / NDE
> 9215989508
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of Rituraj Bose
> Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 3:32 PM
> To: Materials & Welding
> Subject: [MW:985] Re: HAZ
> Dear Mahuri,
> Actually length of HAZ cannot be specified so easily. In any case you
> can follow the link to have just an idea for it.
> Regarding your 2nd question I can tell that the Code name itself
> identifiy the difference.
> API 650 is for the "Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage" and API 620 is
> for the "Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure
> Storage Tanks".
> Regards,
> R. Bose
> On Jul 29, 7:11 am, "Mahuri Snehkumar \(TIPO - QA/QC\)"
> <> wrote:
> > Dear friends,
> > Can someone tell me the exact length of HAZ area after the weld.
> > Also what is the main difference between API 650 and API 620 codes.
> > Regards,
> > Snehkumar L. Mahuri
> > Lead - Welding / NDE
> > 9215989508
> > image001.gif
> > 92KViewDownload
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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:987] RE: 985] Re: HAZ

Dear Bose,

The difference what you have mentioned that I am also well aware of, but I require some other major difference.


Snehkumar L. Mahuri
Lead - Welding / NDE

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Rituraj Bose
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 3:32 PM
To: Materials & Welding
Subject: [MW:985] Re: HAZ

Dear Mahuri,

Actually length of HAZ cannot be specified so easily. In any case you
can follow the link to have just an idea for it.

Regarding your 2nd question I can tell that the Code name itself
identifiy the difference.
API 650 is for the "Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage" and API 620 is
for the "Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure
Storage Tanks".


R. Bose

On Jul 29, 7:11 am, "Mahuri Snehkumar \(TIPO - QA/QC\)"
<> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> Can someone tell me the exact length of HAZ area after the weld.
> Also what is the main difference between API 650 and API 620 codes.
> Regards,
> Snehkumar L. Mahuri
> Lead - Welding / NDE
> 9215989508
>  image001.gif
> 92KViewDownload

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For more options, visit this group's bolg at
The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:986] Re: Root under cut

Dear Atul,
If you are concerned more about to avoid root undercut, the only thing you need to do is to demagnetise the job near to wep and on wep with the help of demagnetising equipment and weld after demagnetising. You will get a smooth weld without any undercut.
For one of our projects, we have over come the undercut problem by demagnetising and welding. This is for your information and for ferritic materials only.

+971-50-8249649-personal #
+971-50-8181761-official #

--- On Mon, 28/7/08, atul patil <> wrote:

> From: atul patil <>
> Subject: [MW:976] Re: Root under cut
> To:
> Date: Monday, 28 July, 2008, 1:22 PM
> to avoid root undercut
> thanks in advance
> On 7/27/08, Paresh Katvi <> wrote:
> >
> > Dear Atul
> >
> > Ar you looking for information How to avoid root
> undercut or NDT method to
> > analisied under cut in most sensitive manner?
> >
> > please give further information.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Paresh Katvi
> >
> >
> > On 7/22/08, atul patil <>
> wrote:
> >
> >> Dear all
> >> I am working with Gas export pieline in Kazakhstan
> >> We are using 6010 electrode for root
> >> & 8010 for fill cap
> >>
> >> we are facing the problem with root undercut
> >>
> >> Actually on the basis of radiography ( ISO 13847 )
> doesnt ask to
> >> cmpareason of density with parent metal It says
> only about length
> >>
> >> Please guide
> >> It is very difficult to prepare the calibration
> block for UT ( Manual ) in
> >> my city ( Atyrau )
> >> Could you please guide
> >> any suggestions welcome.
> >> >>
> >>

Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now, on

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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:985] Re: HAZ

Dear Mahuri,

Actually length of HAZ cannot be specified so easily. In any case you
can follow the link to have just an idea for it.

Regarding your 2nd question I can tell that the Code name itself
identifiy the difference.
API 650 is for the "Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage" and API 620 is
for the "Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure
Storage Tanks".


R. Bose

On Jul 29, 7:11 am, "Mahuri Snehkumar \(TIPO - QA/QC\)"
<> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> Can someone tell me the exact length of HAZ area after the weld.
> Also what is the main difference between API 650 and API 620 codes.
> Regards,
> Snehkumar L. Mahuri
> Lead - Welding / NDE
> 9215989508
>  image001.gif
> 92KViewDownload

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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:984] RE: 887] RE: 882] alloy steels

Shell Global Solutions International B.V. definition as follows


High-alloy steel:  Stainless steels, 12 Cr and higher

Low-alloy steel:  Steels from 0.5 Mo up to 9Cr-1Mo

   Steels from 0.5 up to 9% Ni

Unalloyed steel: Carbon manganese steels, including 0.3 and 0.5 Mo steels


From: [] On Behalf Of Bathula Raghuram (Mumbai - PIPING)
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 1:56 PM
Subject: [MW:887] RE: 882] alloy steels


There is no such clear demarcation, can vary from institution to institution


ASM classification as below

Plain carbon steel (<0.2C called as low carbon steel)

LAS <= 8% of total alloying elements

HAS > 8% of total alloying elements


By this all your below netioned materials can be called as LAS (except P91), where as even P91 comes under LAS family  in case ASME BPV


More views are welcome!


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of gajjalla surya prakash
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 5:24 PM
Subject: [MW:882] alloy steels



dear members,


how can we classify the alloysteel materials as low alloy /highalloy.


if we can classify  then P 91/P22/P11/16M03/DINWB 36

comes under which category.



surya prakash gajjalla



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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

[MW:983] FW: 982] RE: 981] FW: 978] RE: 974] RE: 971] RE: 970] Consumable For UNS31254weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

Sorry. The base material is UNS S31254 only.(typing error)

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bathula Raghuram
(Mumbai - PIPING)
Sent: 29 July, 2008 9:10 AM
Subject: [MW:982] RE: 981] FW: 978] RE: 974] RE: 971] RE: 970] Consumable
For UNS31254weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

Please note there is a difference in UNS# S32654 and UNS# S31524, you
are using 654SMO and the other one is 254SMO (what we are discussing

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 11:01 AM
Subject: [MW:981] FW: 978] RE: 974] RE: 971] RE: 970] Consumable For
UNS31254weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

Dear Friends,

We are fabricating Evaporator Sump having base material of UNS S32654
the Canadian Vessel Manufacturer. With their recommendations only we are
using ENiCrMo-10.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Abby Joseph
Sent: 29 July, 2008 6:51 AM
Subject: [MW:978] RE: 974] RE: 971] RE: 970] Consumable For UNS31254
weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

Dear All,
Just to add further to this,
Avesta P12-R Basic (ENiCrMo-12) is best suited for welding UNS S31254.
Avesta P16 Basic electrode confirms to ENiCrMO-13 and is specifically
designed for welding 654SMO (UNS S32654) grades.


Abby Joseph

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bathula
(Mumbai - PIPING)
Sent: 28 July 2008 09:57
Subject: [MW:974] RE: 971] RE: 970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay
SA516 Gr. 70

UNS31254 is similar to Type 254SMO of Avesta polarit; you may contact
them for their recommended combination (Avesta P16 or P12-R basic etc.)
ERNiCrMo-3 (AWS Specification A5.14) or ENiCrMo-3/ ENiCrMo-12 (AWS
Specification A5.11) can be used for depositing, depending on the
process you may choose. E309LMo also can be used for barrier layer.
Avestapolarit has 805 flux which can be used in case of SAW

Sandvik also got similar combination such as Sanicro60 etc...

For strip cladding Soudokay has got some combinations, such as
Soudotape625 with flux NFT201/EST201 (refer their catalogue)

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 9:47 AM
Subject: [MW:971] RE: 970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on SA516
Gr. 70

Dear Friend,

You can use ER NiCrMo-10.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Romio
Sent: 26 July, 2008 3:15 PM
To: Materials & Welding
Subject: [MW:970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

Has anybody experienced UNS31254 (P No. 8 Gr. 4.....chemi..20Cr 18Ni
6Mo) weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70
Can someone suggest the correct AWS class? If u can suggest the STRIP
consumable supplier for the smae it will be handful....


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For more options, visit this group's bolg at
The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:982] RE: 981] FW: 978] RE: 974] RE: 971] RE: 970] Consumable For UNS31254weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

Please note there is a difference in UNS# S32654 and UNS# S31524, you
are using 654SMO and the other one is 254SMO (what we are discussing

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 11:01 AM
Subject: [MW:981] FW: 978] RE: 974] RE: 971] RE: 970] Consumable For
UNS31254weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

Dear Friends,

We are fabricating Evaporator Sump having base material of UNS S32654
the Canadian Vessel Manufacturer. With their recommendations only we are
using ENiCrMo-10.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Abby Joseph
Sent: 29 July, 2008 6:51 AM
Subject: [MW:978] RE: 974] RE: 971] RE: 970] Consumable For UNS31254
weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

Dear All,
Just to add further to this,
Avesta P12-R Basic (ENiCrMo-12) is best suited for welding UNS S31254.
Avesta P16 Basic electrode confirms to ENiCrMO-13 and is specifically
designed for welding 654SMO (UNS S32654) grades.


Abby Joseph

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bathula
(Mumbai - PIPING)
Sent: 28 July 2008 09:57
Subject: [MW:974] RE: 971] RE: 970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay
SA516 Gr. 70

UNS31254 is similar to Type 254SMO of Avesta polarit; you may contact
them for their recommended combination (Avesta P16 or P12-R basic etc.)
ERNiCrMo-3 (AWS Specification A5.14) or ENiCrMo-3/ ENiCrMo-12 (AWS
Specification A5.11) can be used for depositing, depending on the
process you may choose. E309LMo also can be used for barrier layer.
Avestapolarit has 805 flux which can be used in case of SAW

Sandvik also got similar combination such as Sanicro60 etc...

For strip cladding Soudokay has got some combinations, such as
Soudotape625 with flux NFT201/EST201 (refer their catalogue)

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 9:47 AM
Subject: [MW:971] RE: 970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on SA516
Gr. 70

Dear Friend,

You can use ER NiCrMo-10.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Romio
Sent: 26 July, 2008 3:15 PM
To: Materials & Welding
Subject: [MW:970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

Has anybody experienced UNS31254 (P No. 8 Gr. 4.....chemi..20Cr 18Ni
6Mo) weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70
Can someone suggest the correct AWS class? If u can suggest the STRIP
consumable supplier for the smae it will be handful....


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For more options, visit this group's bolg at
The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:981] FW: 978] RE: 974] RE: 971] RE: 970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

Dear Friends,

We are fabricating Evaporator Sump having base material of UNS S32654 for
the Canadian Vessel Manufacturer. With their recommendations only we are
using ENiCrMo-10.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Abby Joseph
Sent: 29 July, 2008 6:51 AM
Subject: [MW:978] RE: 974] RE: 971] RE: 970] Consumable For UNS31254
weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

Dear All,
Just to add further to this,
Avesta P12-R Basic (ENiCrMo-12) is best suited for welding UNS S31254. The
Avesta P16 Basic electrode confirms to ENiCrMO-13 and is specifically
designed for welding 654SMO (UNS S32654) grades.


Abby Joseph

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bathula Raghuram
(Mumbai - PIPING)
Sent: 28 July 2008 09:57
Subject: [MW:974] RE: 971] RE: 970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on
SA516 Gr. 70

UNS31254 is similar to Type 254SMO of Avesta polarit; you may contact
them for their recommended combination (Avesta P16 or P12-R basic etc.)
ERNiCrMo-3 (AWS Specification A5.14) or ENiCrMo-3/ ENiCrMo-12 (AWS
Specification A5.11) can be used for depositing, depending on the
process you may choose. E309LMo also can be used for barrier layer.
Avestapolarit has 805 flux which can be used in case of SAW

Sandvik also got similar combination such as Sanicro60 etc...

For strip cladding Soudokay has got some combinations, such as
Soudotape625 with flux NFT201/EST201 (refer their catalogue)

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 9:47 AM
Subject: [MW:971] RE: 970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on SA516
Gr. 70

Dear Friend,

You can use ER NiCrMo-10.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Romio
Sent: 26 July, 2008 3:15 PM
To: Materials & Welding
Subject: [MW:970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

Has anybody experienced UNS31254 (P No. 8 Gr. 4.....chemi..20Cr 18Ni
6Mo) weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70
Can someone suggest the correct AWS class? If u can suggest the STRIP
consumable supplier for the smae it will be handful....


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For more options, visit this group's bolg at
The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:980] HAZ

Dear friends,


Can someone tell me the exact length of HAZ area after the weld.

Also what is the main difference between API 650 and API 620 codes.




Snehkumar L. Mahuri

Lead - Welding / NDE




To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group's bolg at
The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:978] RE: 974] RE: 971] RE: 970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

Dear All,
Just to add further to this,
Avesta P12-R Basic (ENiCrMo-12) is best suited for welding UNS S31254. The
Avesta P16 Basic electrode confirms to ENiCrMO-13 and is specifically
designed for welding 654SMO (UNS S32654) grades.


Abby Joseph

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bathula Raghuram
(Mumbai - PIPING)
Sent: 28 July 2008 09:57
Subject: [MW:974] RE: 971] RE: 970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on
SA516 Gr. 70

UNS31254 is similar to Type 254SMO of Avesta polarit; you may contact
them for their recommended combination (Avesta P16 or P12-R basic etc.)
ERNiCrMo-3 (AWS Specification A5.14) or ENiCrMo-3/ ENiCrMo-12 (AWS
Specification A5.11) can be used for depositing, depending on the
process you may choose. E309LMo also can be used for barrier layer.
Avestapolarit has 805 flux which can be used in case of SAW

Sandvik also got similar combination such as Sanicro60 etc...

For strip cladding Soudokay has got some combinations, such as
Soudotape625 with flux NFT201/EST201 (refer their catalogue)

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 9:47 AM
Subject: [MW:971] RE: 970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on SA516
Gr. 70

Dear Friend,

You can use ER NiCrMo-10.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Romio
Sent: 26 July, 2008 3:15 PM
To: Materials & Welding
Subject: [MW:970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

Has anybody experienced UNS31254 (P No. 8 Gr. 4.....chemi..20Cr 18Ni
6Mo) weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70
Can someone suggest the correct AWS class? If u can suggest the STRIP
consumable supplier for the smae it will be handful....


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For more options, visit this group's bolg at
The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:979] RE: 975] RE: 968] SS431#SS 304L

I presume you are referring to UNS No. S43100.

Welding of this steel to 304L should be done with 309L consumables.




Abby Joseph

T-PUT Welding India Pvt. Ltd.



From: [] On Behalf Of Bathula Raghuram (Mumbai - PIPING)
Sent: 28 July 2008 10:15
Subject: [MW:975] RE: 968] SS431#SS 304L


Please specify UNS# for SS431?

Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 8:02 PM
Subject: [MW:968] SS431#SS 304L

Dear Friends

Has anybody welded SS431(martensitic Stainless Steel) to SS 304L?
We have a SS431 forging about 50mm thick and it has to be welded to a 25mm thick SS304L ring. The joint is a 4mm fillet all around.
Can anyone tell me the welding procedure, precautions and SMAW electrode to use. Can we use E309L electrode?


Prem Nautiyal

CELL : 9820313278

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For more options, visit this group's bolg at
The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

Monday, July 28, 2008

[MW:977] Re: Root under cut

Root undercut is end result of high Current, travel speed, uneven root gap and some time because of surface tension of the material and last but not least because of welder human error. To avoid under cut mainly focus should be given on current and travel speed. Undercut problems are not envisaged with cellulose electrode if proper welding parameter set along with good skill welder. Some time re shuffling of root welders also help to reduce down root related discontinuities.

On 7/28/08, atul patil <> wrote:
to avoid root undercut
thanks in advance

On 7/27/08, Paresh Katvi <> wrote:
Dear Atul
Ar you looking for information How to avoid root undercut or NDT method to analisied under cut in most sensitive manner?
please give further information.
Paresh Katvi

On 7/22/08, atul patil <> wrote:
Dear all
I am working with Gas export pieline in Kazakhstan
We are using 6010 electrode for root
& 8010 for fill cap
we are facing the problem with root undercut
Actually on the basis of radiography ( ISO 13847 ) doesnt ask to cmpareason of density with parent metal It says only about length
Please guide
It is very difficult to prepare the calibration block for UT ( Manual ) in my city ( Atyrau )
Could you please guide
any  suggestions welcome.
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For more options, visit this group's bolg at
The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:976] Re: Root under cut

to avoid root undercut
thanks in advance

On 7/27/08, Paresh Katvi <> wrote:
Dear Atul
Ar you looking for information How to avoid root undercut or NDT method to analisied under cut in most sensitive manner?
please give further information.
Paresh Katvi

On 7/22/08, atul patil <> wrote:
Dear all
I am working with Gas export pieline in Kazakhstan
We are using 6010 electrode for root
& 8010 for fill cap
we are facing the problem with root undercut
Actually on the basis of radiography ( ISO 13847 ) doesnt ask to cmpareason of density with parent metal It says only about length
Please guide
It is very difficult to prepare the calibration block for UT ( Manual ) in my city ( Atyrau )
Could you please guide
any  suggestions welcome.
To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group's bolg at
The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:975] RE: 968] SS431#SS 304L

Please specify UNS# for SS431?

Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 8:02 PM
Subject: [MW:968] SS431#SS 304L

Dear Friends

Has anybody welded SS431(martensitic Stainless Steel) to SS 304L?
We have a SS431 forging about 50mm thick and it has to be welded to a 25mm thick SS304L ring. The joint is a 4mm fillet all around.
Can anyone tell me the welding procedure, precautions and SMAW electrode to use. Can we use E309L electrode?


Prem Nautiyal

CELL : 9820313278

To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group's bolg at
The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:974] RE: 971] RE: 970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

UNS31254 is similar to Type 254SMO of Avesta polarit; you may contact
them for their recommended combination (Avesta P16 or P12-R basic etc.)
ERNiCrMo-3 (AWS Specification A5.14) or ENiCrMo-3/ ENiCrMo-12 (AWS
Specification A5.11) can be used for depositing, depending on the
process you may choose. E309LMo also can be used for barrier layer.
Avestapolarit has 805 flux which can be used in case of SAW

Sandvik also got similar combination such as Sanicro60 etc...

For strip cladding Soudokay has got some combinations, such as
Soudotape625 with flux NFT201/EST201 (refer their catalogue)

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 9:47 AM
Subject: [MW:971] RE: 970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on SA516
Gr. 70

Dear Friend,

You can use ER NiCrMo-10.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Romio
Sent: 26 July, 2008 3:15 PM
To: Materials & Welding
Subject: [MW:970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

Has anybody experienced UNS31254 (P No. 8 Gr. 4.....chemi..20Cr 18Ni
6Mo) weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70
Can someone suggest the correct AWS class? If u can suggest the STRIP
consumable supplier for the smae it will be handful....


To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group's bolg at
The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

[MW:973] Re: Root under cut

Dear Atul
Ar you looking for information How to avoid root undercut or NDT method to analisied under cut in most sensitive manner?
please give further information.
Paresh Katvi

On 7/22/08, atul patil <> wrote:
Dear all
I am working with Gas export pieline in Kazakhstan
We are using 6010 electrode for root
& 8010 for fill cap
we are facing the problem with root undercut
Actually on the basis of radiography ( ISO 13847 ) doesnt ask to cmpareason of density with parent metal It says only about length
Please guide
It is very difficult to prepare the calibration block for UT ( Manual ) in my city ( Atyrau )
Could you please guide
any  suggestions welcome.
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[MW:972] Re: Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

hello Romio

I think you are looking for weld overlay on P1 by P8

please let me know which process you are doing ESW or GTAW or SMAW

as far as Strip cladding is concerend i think Soudotape is the only
genuine supplier in htis categorry.

as far as AWS class i will mail you later.


On Jul 26, 5:14 pm, Romio <> wrote:
> Has anybody experienced UNS31254 (P No. 8 Gr. 4.....chemi..20Cr 18Ni
> 6Mo) weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70
> Can someone suggest the correct AWS class? If u can suggest the STRIP
> consumable supplier for the smae it will be handful....
> Romio

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[MW:971] RE: 970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

Dear Friend,

You can use ER NiCrMo-10.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Romio
Sent: 26 July, 2008 3:15 PM
To: Materials & Welding
Subject: [MW:970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

Has anybody experienced UNS31254 (P No. 8 Gr. 4.....chemi..20Cr 18Ni
6Mo) weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70
Can someone suggest the correct AWS class? If u can suggest the STRIP
consumable supplier for the smae it will be handful....


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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

[MW:970] Consumable For UNS31254 weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70

Has anybody experienced UNS31254 (P No. 8 Gr. 4.....chemi..20Cr 18Ni
6Mo) weldoverlay on SA516 Gr. 70
Can someone suggest the correct AWS class? If u can suggest the STRIP
consumable supplier for the smae it will be handful....


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[MW:969] RE: 947] RE: 865] PED Harmonised Standard for Design

Friends, recently I attended one seminar on “Awareness training seminar on CE Marking – Pressure equipment directive” conducted by TUV India. I share below my learning:


Any std. adopted and published by CEN (European Committee for Standardization – Comite Europeen de normalisation) is known as EN std. (European standard). Incase it is published in “official Journal of the European Union”, it is known as “Harmonised Standard”. For example, PED 97/23/EC has been published in official Journal of Europa under no. L 181 on 09.07.1997.


All std. published in “official Journal of the European Union” can be seen at:


You can also search and download the harmonized std from above mentioned site.


“BLUE GUIDE” are also available for the interpretation of harmonized stds.


If anyone would like to place the product in the European Market, it is mandatory to provide “CE Marking” on it. And to have “CE Mark” one need to follow the appropriate regulation (like PED for Pressure Vessels) and the equipment has to be approved by “Notified Body” if applicable.


Hope the above information would be useful to all.


Best regards,


Sunil S. Agrawal

Static Equipment Dept. (STEQU)

Engineering & Design Tecnimont ICB

101/102, Interface-11, Link Road, Malad (w), Mumbai - 400 064 ( +91.22.6777.7237 *


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Bathula Raghuram (Mumbai - PIPING)
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 2:02 PM
Subject: [MW:947] RE: 865] PED Harmonised Standard for Design


EN13445 at a glance, interesting presentation


-----Original Message-----


[] On Behalf Of Bathula

Raghuram (Mumbai - PIPING)

Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2008 10:22 PM


Subject: [MW:865] PED Harmonised Standard for Design


Just the below link for more information, interesting one


published hormonised stanadrds for Directive 97/23/EEC can be seen at




The attached list contains references to harmonised standards for

pressure equipment and harmonised supporting standards for materials

used in manufacturing pressure equipment.


The follwoing pretext taken from a CEN link may be helpful

A harmonised standards is a standard considered by the European

Commission as satisfying some of the directives essential safety



Harmonised standards are covered by three types of European  Standard:-


    * Harmonised Product Standards

      These are application codes  that cover the design and manufacture

of Pressure Vessels, Boilers and  Pipework


    * Harmonised Support Standards

      Welding, NDT and other  standards that supplement the application



    * Harmonised Material Standards

      A material specified in a  harmonised standard will satisfy the

requirements of the directive in terms of  ductility, toughness and

strength but does not guarantee that the material will  be suitable for

a specific application.



Each harmonised standard will contain an annex stating  which essential

safety requirements it satisfies.  The advantage of using these

standards is that no additional justification is required that essential

safety  requirements have been met and providing the standards have been

correctly  applied the design of the equipment can not be challenged.


Another advantage of using Harmonised Standards is that they  provide an

interpretation of the directive.  For example if a pressure vessel is

to operate below zero the impact tests on the material and welding

procedures  have to be carried out the lowest operating temperature the

vessel will  experience according to ESR 7.5.  This is not current

practice as far as either  PD5500 or ASME VIII is concerned as both

these standards permit, under certain  circumstances, warmer impact test



Harmonised Standards are not essential, any appropriate  standard can

used but the satisfaction of essential safety requirements must  proved.

Both PD5500 and ASME VIII have produced annexes stating how and which

essential safety requirements they claim to satisfy, these annexes have

not been  approved by the European commission and therefore neither

standard can claim to  be harmonised.


Note PD5500 has nothing to do with the PED, it is simply the  latest

revision of BS5500, it no longer has the status of a British Standard

because it will conflict with BSEN13445.  It is now a  Published

Document rather than a standard,  This will make no difference to it  as

it will continue to be supported as long as its popularity remains


The harmonised standard for the qualification of welding personnel is EN

ISO 9606, for operating procedures it is EN ISO 15614. (Note EN ISO

15614  only satisfies the requirements of E.S.R 3.1.2 it does not

satisfy the requirements for welding consumables stated in E.S.R 4)



-----Original Message-----

From: on behalf of Rajesh

Sent: Sat 14/06/2008 17:37

To: Process Equipment Design


Subject: [PED:93] PED Harmonised Standard for Design



Dear All,


I undrstand that Harmonised Standard For pressure vessel design for

PED is being published. BSEN13445. I have some querries.


- If this help us in selection of material.

- When this standard is likely to be published.



















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Friday, July 25, 2008

[MW:968] SS431#SS 304L

Dear Friends

Has anybody welded SS431(martensitic Stainless Steel) to SS 304L?
We have a SS431 forging about 50mm thick and it has to be welded to a 25mm thick SS304L ring. The joint is a 4mm fillet all around.
Can anyone tell me the welding procedure, precautions and SMAW electrode to use. Can we use E309L electrode?


Prem Nautiyal

CELL : 9820313278

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[MW:967] Material equivalent software

Dear Mr Sachin


We have come out in a long way since past 13 months with nearly 500 members now to help you, me and all of us to enlighten our knowledge in the process, devoting their time. We have debated and decided in the past not to distribute any copyright material (such as codes, standards, company specs etc) in the group. I appreciate time/efforts by the moderators; it is a part of the process, no personnel issues.  No more issue on the subject pl. let us stick to the theme of the forum, on sharing technical experience and helping out newbie’s in the industry


Discussion is an exchange of intelligence

Argument is an exchange of ignorance.


I am just pasting here one of the discussions posted by our group member in the past


Dear All,

My advice stands. What you might choose to do within your own company is one thing - I'm sure your company lawyers can help you on matters of copyright. What you post to a world-wide, public group is another. For your information, I am a registered member of this group. If the originators of the group intended it to be a private, internal group, they shouldn't have done it through Google - it's the gateway to the entire world!


I think that this is a very useful forum and a splendid way to share advice and information - just please be careful about copyright issues. The API in particular seems to be very hot on them. If you buy a digital (PDF) version of their specs now, single-user versions are literally that - you'll only be able to install it on one machine and you can only print it once. Which is great if your printer runs out of ink half-way through. I've gone back to buying paper copies.


I do consulting work on various oilfield problems and I teach materials, corrosion and welding matters to M.Sc. students at the Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, where they are VERY sensitive about copyright issues.


Regards to all and keep up the good work!


Owen Jenkins.

From: sachin sankhe []
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: [MW:961] Re: Material equivalent software


  Dear Mr.Kanan,

I appreciate your comcern on below matter in your mail
I being in this group wan not knowing the rules & regulation of this group,since I joind this group few month back.

You could have explained me in much more positively and in professional manner.

Any ways I am sorry for asking some thing that is against rules & regulation of this group.



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Thursday, July 24, 2008

[MW:966] RE: 960] Material equivalent software

Dear Friends,


We are using “Key to Steel - Stahlschlussel 2007 (version 5)” and have registered copy of the same. We found it very useful.


It is 138Euro Hard Copy / 380Euro Digital. See for details.


Best regards,

Muhammad Nasir Abbas
Sr. Inspection Engineer,
Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited, Mirpur Mathelo 65050, Distt. Ghotki, Pakistan.
Save a TREE: Please avoid printing this email, unless its really required!



From: [] On Behalf Of sachin sankhe
Sent: Tue, 22-July-2008 5:18 PM
Subject: [MW:960] Material equivalent software


Dear Friends,

At times we come across situation where due to unavailabiity of certain material we have to search equivalent material.
Its time consuming process to find equivalent material.

I just found one of the software which can find equivalent material for almost all countries standards.

Please copy paste below link

However this software is not free.Hope ,if any one can find crack for it?Please let me know if you can.

Also results of query for equivaqlent material is shared free on site which we can make use of it,if we are lucky enough to get our choice of material

Please copy below link to see results of query raised for equivalent material by many people.


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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

[MW:965] [piping_valves] Flange Reduced Rating

Reduced rating is common where a conservative approach is applied in defining the piping materials while shaping the piping material classes.
Conservative... in the context of reduced thickness of pipes and fittings and having in some cases a reduced pressure rating of flanges. Subjectively, handling such cases is a little bit complex due to the nature of broad aspect of the parameters involved.

In a process plant, there will be few border cases of design conditions in the process streams, by which I mean the borders of the ANSI B16.5/B16.34 rating tables. On certain cases reducing to the next lower pressure rating will benefit a turnkey contractor, considering down the line cost benefit depending upon the quantum of piping involved in those streams. During such cases the piping material engineer who optimizes the PMC-piping material class concludes with process engineer to reduce the design condition.

In these border cases there are two aspects.
1) The simple safety factor reduction of the process condition judged by the process engineer.
2) The process stream may not be subjected to the defined design condition continuously, but on a cyclic or only for a short period of duration. ANSI B31.3 / 1 allows such temporary surging under certain criteria (Refer the code for details). Under such limitations, the piping material engineer works/designs the PMC with reduced pressure rating conditions also called as a STC - short term condition.

So in conclusion such conservative approach helps in avoiding Over Designing the piping system with the ANSI code as an excuse/backing. Addtionally, such concept has significance when the quantum of piping is extremely high and if the streams are in higher temp. ranges where material selection plays a very important role.

With regards,

"Bathula Raghuram \(Mumbai - PIPING\)" <>
Sent by:

17/07/2008 13:29

Please respond to

[piping_valves] RE: 941] Flange Reduced Rating

Can you please elaborate!

Is it something related to DIN flanges? I don’t know exactly but probably the P/T ratings are reduced while revising the new EN standards (PrEN1092?) for PN based flanges.


From: [] On Behalf Of Hari Srinivasa Murthy
Thursday, July 17, 2008 4:25 PM
[MW:941] Flange Reduced Rating


Dear Sh. Raghuram/Member of materials group,


Can you please explain about " Flange Reduced Ratings".




Srinivasa Murthy

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[MW:35346] Cast-iron welding

Any advice for cast iron welding Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone