Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Re: [MW:13110] Radiographic technique shot

Dear Sir,
Thanks for your valued expert advice.
As per ASME SEC V  T-290, no where is mentioned about thickness wise as well as diameter wise only technique wise.
If i make only technique wise, is that any violation as per ASME SEC -V

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 10:42 PM, Raju Kandula <> wrote:
Dear Pradip..
    technique as well as diameter and thickness is right..  the essential variables that has to be noted on the docimentation, changes corresponding to diff daiameter adn the thickness... like iqi selction and the no of films used and the location length, so it wil be easy and prefer to do documentation as per diamter and thickness so it is easy for some one to understand the documentation and easy to trace for future referance...
raju kandula

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 9:14 AM, pradip kumar sil <> wrote:
Dear Experts,
As per ASME Sec. V T-290 shows radiographic technique documentation details needs only each technic wise i.e single wall/ double wall. But client demanded each technique wise as well as diametre & thickness wise.
My question is which one is correct either technique wise or technique as well as diametre & thicknesswise.
Thanks in advance.

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