Sunday, November 27, 2011

[MW:13070] RE: 13068] ADVANCED NDT

Ultrasonic techniques like Phased Array and some older Time Of Flight Difference become more and more accepted / required for NDT examination. But in your case if you want to become an expert in NDT techniques you will need knowledge of all kind of NDT techniques in order to advise / execute a proper technology for finding the defects you’re looking for.


Met vriendelijke groeten / Best Regards


Herman Pieper


Pieper Quality Support & Inspection

Phone: +31 (0)521 380083

Fax:     +31 (0)84 7539225

Cell:     +31 (0)6 51691215


Van: [] Namens Mehdi Emami
Verzonden: zondag 27 november 2011 8:55
Onderwerp: [MW:13068] ADVANCED NDT


Dear friends, dear experts
I want to become expert in one of the most advanced techniques NDT. What method or methods to suit the needs of industry today, do you recommend?

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