Tuesday, November 22, 2011

[MW:13029] CAN ANYONE SEND ME ANSWERE OR Repair Procedure for Waterline steel pipe with cement lining which is in Service

We are stuck in making a repair procedure for waterline steel pipe with cement lining which is in service
Can you guide me with the previous procedure's of SWCC/EIL-ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED/ARAMCO ETC.  for maintenance and repair 

To be more Specific--------------------
1-Procedure for Repair and Maintenance of Carbon Steel Pipes and Ductile Iron Pipeline.
2-Previous statistical Data of Pipeline maintenance, that is old pipelines( for Carbon Steel Pipe and Ductile Iron Pipe), including
a)Old Pipe lines Frequency of Break Down per year per Kilometer
b)Type  of repair, (Wet  repair that is small local defects such as pinholes and  Dry Repair that is a more extensive damage to re-place the pipe section,) For Carbon Steel Pipeline and Ductile Iron PipeLine. Please also specifiy for Main Pipeline Repair . Repair made on Branches/ and or utlity network
 c)-Location of of repair that is pipe body or Joints
d)- Tantative Time Require to replace the one joint/and or portion of pipe segment for carbon steel versus Ductile Iron Pipe.
Your kind assistance in this regard would be highly appreciated.

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