Saturday, April 10, 2010

Re: [MW:4778] Multiple PQRs for Impact test requirement

Dear Sir,
Apart from that interpretation the following statement from ASME also support for this issue.
QW 401.3

"When essential variables are qualified by one or more

PQRs and supplementary essential variables are qualified

by other PQRs, the ranges of essential variables established

by the former PQRs are only affected by the latter to the

extent specified in the applicable supplementary essential

variable (e.g., essential variable QW-403.8 governs the

minimum and maximum thickness of base metal qualified.

When supplementary essential variable QW-403.6 applies,

it modifies only the minimum thickness qualified, not the


Thanks for your response.
Ibrahim PK

On 9 April 2010 21:43, veloumany siva <> wrote:
Dear Ibrahim,
please find attachment for Impact test requirement code interpretation.

From: Muhammed Ibrahim <> Sent: Wed, April 7, 2010 6:59:29 PM
Subject: Re: [MW:4744] Multiple PQRs for Impact test requirement

Dear Sir,
As per the below statement QW 401.3  & ASME Interpretations IX-04-04 the base metal will support from 6 to 200?.

"When essential variables are qualified by one or more

PQRs and supplementary essential variables are qualified

by other PQRs, the ranges of essential variables established

by the former PQRs are only affected by the latter to the

extent specified in the applicable supplementary essential

variable (e.g., essential variable QW-403.8 governs the

minimum and maximum thickness of base metal qualified.

When supplementary essential variable QW-403.6 applies,

it modifies only the minimum thickness qualified, not the


On 6 April 2010 11:25, <> wrote:

Regarding individual (SMAW and GTAW) T limits what are you saying complies with QW-403.6, but you can not club those two PQRs and lower the T limit.
T is not the deposited weld metal thickness but the global (total) thickness.
I think in case you want to have a qualified WPS valid from 6 to 200 mm this is not possible when impact test is required.
UCS 67 does not give any exemption related to the type of the weld (A or B or D...) and the production impact test (UG084(i)) is not to be confused with the
WPS qualification

Dr. G. Dilintas
I&F Regional Technical Manager
Bureau Veritas Piraeus - Greece
Tel: +30 210 40 63 113/4
Fax: +30 210 40 63 118
Inactive hide details for Muhammed Ibrahim <>Muhammed Ibrahim <>




[MW:4648] Multiple PQRs for Impact test requirement


Hi Members,
Please provide a solution for the following issue.
Shell Material : SA 516 Gr.70 -- 50 mm Thk
Nozzle : SA 333 Gr.6 --- 7 mm thk
MDMT : - 46 Deg.C
I need to weld the nozzle to shell. I have a PQR with SMAW process qualified in 40 mm thk and another PQR with SMAW qualified in 6 mm thk.
As per Sec. IX if impact test is required the 40 mm PQR will support from 16 mm to 200 mm. base metal Thk. and the other PQR will support from 6 mm to 12 mm thk.
If I club these PQR can I write a WPS to support 6 mm to 200 mm?.
Is there any issue for the missing range of qualification between 12 mm to 16 mm?.
Or is it required to add another PQR to fill the missing thickness range from 12 to 16 mm between the first two PQRs?.
Or can I write a WPS directly with range 5mm to 200mm omiting impact test requirement for this joint as it is a category D joint and excempted from Production Test Coupon?.

Thanks & Regards
Muhammed Ibrahim PK


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Thanks & Regards
Muhammed Ibrahim PK

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Thanks & Regards
Muhammed Ibrahim PK

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