Monday, April 5, 2010

[MW:4702] ER70S-3 for low temperature application

Hi Mr.. Ibrahim,
If you look closely in SFA 5.18, ER-70S-3 generally have less consistency and less proven value for low temperature impact properties.It's required to meet 27 J impact @ -20 Deg C. In comparison both ER-70S-2 and ER-70S-6 are designed to meet 27 J impact @ -30 Deg C.
Between ER-70S-3 and ER-70S-2 filler the later is a better designed filler wire for GTAW, because of higher level of deoxidizers. Hence if your project budget and technical specification insist on C-Mn filler for GTAW , then ER-70S-2 would be a better choice. However you may have to impose the impact test criteria @ -46 Deg C, with the consumable suppliers and get every batch certified for -46 Deg C impact.
The other wire ,ER-70S-6 is  required to meet the same level of impact criteria as ER-70S-2, but some specifications may restrict the use of high Manganese filler due to possibilities of cracking due to higher strength.
The other option would be to use ER-80S-Ni filler. It may prove a bit expensive as compared to C-Mn fillers.However as a requirement of ASME SFA 5.28 this filler should be routinely guaranteed for impact test  @ -46 Deg C (as per SFA 5.28) or for still lower temperature by consumable manufacturers (see as attached). This may offset the requirements of special batch testing etc, if the supplier insists the same.
Hope this would provide enough help in your queries. I have attached some data sheets for quick references from the same manufacturer.
I see this topic has  generated many responses.
Pradip Goswami,P.Eng.
Welding & Metallurgical Engineer/Specialist
Component Integrity Section.
Engineering and Training Services
Ontario Power Generation Inc.
Res:-88,Garth Trails Crescent
Hamilton,Ontario, L9B2X1,Canada

From: [] On Behalf Of Ramani, Vaidyanathan (Kuwait)
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2010 4:48 AM
Subject: RE: [MW:4684] ER70S-3 for low temperature application

As you have stated, ER 70 S3 are normally manufactured to meet -20 Deg criteria as per standard requirements ASME Sec II C. However if your project requirement calls for -46 Deg C, the filler metal also need to be procured with the filler metal certified to this as a special requirement or if your client accepts all filler wire batches can be tested at external lab. Note that testing at external lab might lose the filler metal manufacturers liability in case of problems. This is in addition to the fact that the PQR has passed the -46 Deg C requirement.


With Regards,

Welding Inspection Engineer │ Worley Parsons│Kuwait
( +965 238 61657 │ Fax. +965 2398 1695

From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 10:13 AM
To: materials-welding
Subject: Re: [MW:4673] ER70S-3 for low temperature application

Then you will find your answer in USC-67.
If you do not have the code or you have interpretation problems let me know.

  From: Muhammed Ibrahim []
  Sent: 02/04/2010 16:34 ZE4
  Subject: Re: [MW:4670] ER70S-3 for low temperature application

The code is ASME SEC. VIII Div.1.

On 2 April 2010 09:58, <> wrote:

Could you clarify what is the application code? Section I, section VIII-1? 



From: [] On Behalf Of Raghuram Bathula
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: [MW:4665] ER70S-3 for low temperature application

Yes, you can, however you may ensure each batch is tested for impact at this temperature though it is not a requirement

  From: Muhammed Ibrahim []
  Sent: 01/04/2010 18:40 ZE4

  Subject: [MW:4661] ER70S-3 for low temperature application

Hi members,
Please provide a suggestion for the following query.
I have qualified a PQR for GTAW+SMAW with ER70S-3 & E7018-1. The PQR is impact tested at - 46 deg C at root(GTAW) and filling (SMAW) and passed (Min. 50J energy obtained).
As per ASME Sec.II part C, E7018-1 will support up to - 46 Deg C, but ER70S-3 will support up to - 20 Deg.C only.
Since I have proven the toughness through PQR, can I use this PQR for job with impact test requirement of - 46 Deg C, even ER70S-3 does not support for this temperature as per Sec.IIC?.

Thanks & Regards
Muhammed Ibrahim PK

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Thanks & Regards
Muhammed Ibrahim PK

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