Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Re: [MW:28047] RE: 28045] Enquiry about lower shell MPI while replacing Annular Plate in storage tank

We are following API 653 ,just wanted to know is it mention in code which test is required to check shell surface defect while replacing annular plate. Here two refinery one refinery is accepting MPI and other refinery not accepting MPI ,they told us to do LPT of shell.

Best Regards
Tahir Alam
Planning Engineer
Agam Tank Maintenance Group
Mobile : +(965)5150-1509

Site Office : +(965)2388-3614
Head Office : +(965) 2398-5381l2
Fax : +(965) 2398-8312
P.O.Box : 9390 Ahmadi, 61004 Kuwait
Email : tahiralam007@gmail.com
Website : www.agamltd.com

On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 6:40 AM, PGoswami <pgoswami@quickclic.net> wrote:

What's the design code? Is there any additional requirement such as clients' specifications.

MPI & LPI are often interchangeable for determination of surface defects.



P.Goswami.P.Eng, IWE.

Welding & Metallurgical Specialist

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pradip-goswami-2999855/


From: materials-welding@googlegroups.com [mailto:materials-welding@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of tahir alam
Sent: July 9, 2018 11:21 PM
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Subject: [MW:28045] Enquiry about lower shell MPI while replacing Annular Plate in storage tank


Dear experts 


We have contract of tank maintenance in Kuwait. While replacing annular plate inspection ask to do DPT of 2 inch of shell plates. In another refinery they are agree to do MPI only while replacing the annular plates. kindly guide me which one is mention in code. If specifically mention in code then pls send me code detail also.

Best Regards

Tahir Alam

Planning Engineer
Agam Tank Maintenance Group
Mobile : +(965)5150-1509


Site Office : +(965)2388-3614
Head Office : +(965) 2398-5381l2
Fax : +(965) 2398-8312
P.O.Box : 9390 Ahmadi, 61004 Kuwait
Email : tahiralam007@gmail.com
Website :


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