Friday, July 13, 2018

RE: [MW:28071] Dish end straight face

Dear chiluka,

Below is highlighted extract from ASME about minimum straight face (ASME refer sf as skirt length) length as per Section VIII Div. 1. The minimum value is subject to client specification requirement.

Hope this will help you.




From: [] On Behalf Of Patel Vivek (
Sent: Friday, 13 July, 2018 1:12 AM
Subject: Re: [MW:28069] Dish end straight face


How much SF is short then required ?





On Thu, Jul 12, 2018, 1:51 PM chiluka venkatramulu <> wrote:

Dear All,

Pl clarify, If dish end SF is less than the required, can we accept it as per ASME SEC-VIII.


Pl specify the code.


Thanks & regards,


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