Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Re: [MW:28029] MIC CORROSION or co2 wet corrosion(sweet corrosion)

It depends what is the current status of corrosion and how much damage is there? Also whats the materials of construction? 

Did your lab manage to measure the SRB and how much microbe is there? Without knowing this, its very hard to say what the material condition and how much time it will take to effect the material. 

Also depends on the MIC status as well. 

On Tuesday, July 3, 2018, 8:13:37 PM GMT+10, Ali Asghari <asgharialigl@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Muhammad.
I have attached them.
I am only wondering that this corrosion with this rate may happen with detachable corrosion products by wetty co2 or h2s that affected by flow velocity.now how can we reach to this confidence or these results refuse this possibility.
On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 7:03 AM, 'Muhammad Hussain' via Materials & Welding <materials-welding@googlegroups.com> wrote:
Dear Ali, 

1. Yes it's possible and you can take. Corrosion deposit , metal or perhaps in water to do the analysis. 

2. Can you send clear images of the sample, specially from pits. 

Chloride and Sulphide are different source and affect on MIC. 


Sent from my iPhone, Excuse Typos

On 2 Jul 2018, at 23:04, Ali Asghari <asgharialigl@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear All.

We encountered to a pitting corrosion that led to loss of fluid in crude pipeline, so we prepared a sample and send it to lab.it must be mentioned that this corrosion happened after 6 

months from starting of production and there is possibility for existence of remained hydro test water and the chemical injection not to start any inhibitor injection with regarding in 
engineering design documents, availability of 95% inhibitor requested and warned for retained water to increase of pitting opportunity.

the lab concluded the result of this corrosion is MIC(SRB type) with doing of these tests: EDS/XRD/SRB test.
Now I have some doubts:
1.SRB or anaerobe bacteria can be survived & detected in air to reach Lab.

2.I know that to get conclusion by now is not possible but I want to know that are these tests enough or what is supposed to be done other tests to refuse co2 corrosion?

I have attached some results.


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