Monday, July 2, 2018

[MW:28017] MIC CORROSION or co2 wet corrosion(sweet corrosion)

Dear All.

We encountered to a pitting corrosion that led to loss of fluid in crude pipeline, so we prepared a sample and send it to must be mentioned that this corrosion happened after 6 

months from starting of production and there is possibility for existence of remained hydro test water and the chemical injection not to start any inhibitor injection with regarding in 
engineering design documents, availability of 95% inhibitor requested and warned for retained water to increase of pitting opportunity.

the lab concluded the result of this corrosion is MIC(SRB type) with doing of these tests: EDS/XRD/SRB test.
Now I have some doubts:
1.SRB or anaerobe bacteria can be survived & detected in air to reach Lab.

2.I know that to get conclusion by now is not possible but I want to know that are these tests enough or what is supposed to be done other tests to refuse co2 corrosion?

I have attached some results.


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