Thursday, January 27, 2011

Re: [MW:9511] Purging Gas for Fillet Weld

Dear Yoga,
As per API RP 582 you'll need to purge when the process pipe wall thickness is 6.3mm and less.
As suggested by Manpreet, you can use Argon, or you can use purging gas as Nitrogen (Welding Grade) where you can have considerable cost saving if your purging volume is more.
Welding Engineer

--- On Thu, 1/27/11, manpreet <> wrote:

From: manpreet <>
Subject: Re: [MW:9499] Purging Gas for Fillet Weld
To: "materials-welding " <>
Date: Thursday, January 27, 2011, 8:51 AM

Dear Yoga,

for GTAW welds, an internal 100% argon shall be used for the root pass and second layer (i.e. Hot Pass) of Stainless Steel Welds.

Manpreet Singh

On Wed, 26 Jan 2011 21:29:54 +0530 yoga nandhan wrote

Can anyone please clarify,  for Fillet weld to be carried outin a S.S Pipe (4.5mm wall thickness) to support joint with GTAW Process. Is itrequired to give Purging Gas in pipe.  (as per Clause 7.5 of API582. (attached)).
Pipe Material: SA312 TP316/316L
Support Material: SA240TP316/316L
Thickness: 4.5 mm Max.
Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,
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