Monday, January 31, 2011

Re: Re: [MW:9602] Hoe to select Flange's rating and class


Can you please give notes that to how to read from where . Say if I
want to select on 12" A 106 Gr B pipe for sour service . how to select
the rating of flange from this chart . can you please explain?

On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 16:59:46 +0530 wrote
>Dear Saamy,

1- Flange material shall be selected based on service conditions (fluid
properties such as corrosiveness, temperature, hydrogen contents,...).
2- Based on design pressure, design temperature and material of
construction the flange rating shall be selected according to
pressure/temperature rating tables of ASME b16.5.
Based on my long experience on this matter I found that working with
pressure/temperature rating tables of ASME b16.5 is not so easy and
accurate. So I converted these tables to the graphs which is in
attached as a pdf file for your convenience.

Hope it will be useful for you.



From: muthu barathi
>Sent: Mon, 31 January, 2011 1:32:49 PM
>Subject: Re: [MW:9592] Hoe to select Flange's rating and class
>You have to refer your LDT (Line designation table) and P & ID
>instrument diagram).
>On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 10:49:05 +0530 wrote
>>Dear All!
>Could you explain me how to select flange ratings and class against
>service, temp, and pressure?
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>Dear Sir,
>Thanking You,
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>With Warm Regards,
>Muthu Barathi P
>Mobile No:00962788269821 (Jordan)

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Dear Sir,

Thanking You,

Honesty is the best Policy

With Warm Regards,

Muthu Barathi P
Mobile No:00962788269821 (Jordan)

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