Sunday, January 30, 2011

Re: [MW:9563] diameter and thickness limit

Dear Hussain ,

As per QW 452.3, upper diameter limit is unlimited.

That means , you can go for unlimited Dia which has no limit .....

As per QW452.1b, for test coupon 13 mm and above, qualification limit is 'maximum to be welded.'

That means  how much you can able to weld to prove  to  make good sound welds .....,this criteria is only for thickness ........not Diameter .

Thank you




On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 6:11 PM, Ahmed Husain <> wrote:

Dear All,

My query is in regard to welder performance qualification diameter and thickness limit as per ASME Sec IX

As per QW 452.3, upper diameter limit is unlimited.

As per QW452.1b, for test coupon 13 mm and above, qualification limit is 'maximum to be welded.'

I would like to know that this "maximum to be welded" is to be considered same as unlimited or there is any limit.

With regards,



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