Friday, January 28, 2011

Re: [MW:9543] Duplex stain less steel certificates misses nitrogen content

Dear Murugan,
I hope Mill always keeping all Batch / Heat Number materials  in stock with them in LAB / R&D Department. So, based on your request they will do the required test with you Heath Number materials.

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 3:17 AM, murugesan jeyaraman <> wrote:
Dear all
I reviewed a Material certificate for Duplex SS, Plate A240 UNS S31803 and found Nitrogen content .08 – 0.2% as required by ASME sec II part A is not at all mentioned in the certificate. As vessels are fabricated and welded I issued a NCR to manufacturer.


Vessel manufacturer are going to ask Mill about this.


1) My question is how come a Mill certificate misses an essential element of composition required by the code?  If the Mill comes with a reply that it is a clerical error to miss the Nitrogen content, and re-issue a certificate, can we accept it as genuine?


2) Is nitrogen content can be analysed by PMI or any other analyzing method in a lab test. Because the vessel fabricator say they are going to do lab test, for this.


Please share your experiences and opinion about this.





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