Friday, January 28, 2011

Re: [MW:9531] hiiiiiii

Hi Amit
AWS offers many certification on welding, Which certification do you want to take depends upon what is your motto by getting the certification..
There are certification for welder, welding inspector, welding engineer and welding educator and more...
Being a in welding,  you may want to work as welding engineer, that of course does not need any certification, but to begin with you will have to work as welding engineer with fabrication industries doing value added products like Boiler pressure parts, pressure vessels, heat exchangers or process piping. You may work with consultants also. (I think this should be your right direction).
Secondly, you may wish to work as a welding inspector, Even though it gets a good salary package abroad,  but do not neccessarily to be a welding engineering post graduate  of IIT calibre. You will feel down to work as welding inspector. All it takes a diploma and welding inspection certification, this would suffice to be a welding inspector.
Welding educator - to work in certification organisations conducting all these certification courses.
You will get all the information from AWS website.

On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 4:52 PM, amit singh <> wrote:
hello frnds..
i am doing M Tech From IIT Roorkee, in welding engineering specialisation.
I want to take "AWS  Welding certificate".
can anyone plz suggest me, how we should apply for that and what is the procedure to get it.
i will be very thankful of him.
plz inform on



Amit Kumar Singh
M.Tech (Welding Engineering)
IIT Roorkee, India

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