Sunday, January 30, 2011

[MW:9565] AW: 9557] welding consumable for 34 CrMoNi6 material

Hi Dinesh,


This steel is difficult to weld.

Welding consumable: E80T5-B2-MH4 / Welding Alloys product: ROBOFIL B CrMo1 (FCAW)

If you need coated electrodes please refer.

best regards / mit freundlichen Grüßen

Siegbert Hafenscherer, Eng, IWE

Key Industry Manager (Strategic Industries)


Welding Alloys Group


Tel.:      +33 389786300

Fax:      +33 389786333

Mobil:   +49 173 9664991





Enclosed please find detail from data sheet from steel V124SC



Welding presents pro blems.

At any rate, parts should be wel ded in the

quen ched and tem pe red con di ti on.

Strength pro perties of the joint will not in all

ins tan ces come up to the va lu es of the

quen ched and tem pered base me tal.

The fol lo wing re com men da tions should be

followed: Pre he at to 300 - 400°C.

Temper af ter wel ding to about 30 - 50°C be -

low the tem pe ring tem perature re com men -

ded for the steel.

For ad vi ce in con nec ti on with dif ficult weld -

ments, plea se con sult our wel ding en gi -

neers or our Wel ding Tech no lo gy De part -

ment at Kap fen berg works.


Von: [] Im Auftrag von DINESH TIWARI
Gesendet: Sonntag, 30. Januar 2011 11:52
An: welding groiup
Betreff: [MW:9557] welding consumable for 34 CrMoNi6 material


Hi Guys ,

We have to weld A36 grade material with 34 NiCrMo6 , can anybody tell me which electrode can be used for the same .
If somebody has welding parameters also then please share .

Best Regards ,

Dinesh Tiwari



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