Monday, January 31, 2011

Re: [MW:9615] Cr. % Variation after Heat Treatment.

Dear Israr,
               PMI  is technique for fast identification of materials. When it is used for accurate measurements of chemical composition, problems arise. If you observe the standard deviation beside the reading, you may understand the reason for this variation. In XRF, the reading is given by the electron signal generated by the incident X-rays, so during X-ray irradiation the number of electrons removed may vary for each reading taken; the detector noise may also affect the reading. As a precaution, please use the PMI at max. temp of 40°C beyond which detector has more noise signal.

2011/1/31 israr ahmed <>
Dear All,
I had Witnessed a PMI test on Material 34CrNiMo6 The Cr. % obtain 1.3 to 1.4, After Machining the Rod and Heat treatment and temparing the same material is tested fore PMI and found Cr.0.98 to 1.2 Percent.The Cr. % become less by 0.1 to 0.2 %. Can any body tell what may be the reason.

Israr Ahmed Noor Mohammed

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