Saturday, January 29, 2011

[MW:9545] Re: heat input calculation in welding

Dear all

I need the information on the technical base not on any code base, wht
the code says like plus or minus.
I am not going to mention the things in WPS or PQR.

So my question is if I want to know the effect of heat input, which
amount of heat input I shall consider??
every single pass or sum of all heat input.

Sandeep Kumar

On Jan 28, 1:15 pm, "Pablo J Acelajado" <>
> January 28, 2011
> Hello!
> You need to show the individual Heat input of each pass and also
> indicate the sum or total Heat input.
> Thanks & best regards.
> ________________________________
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of manpreet
> Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 9:55 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MW:9538] heat input calculation in welding
> Dear Sandeep,
> As stated by you that "every pass has its effect on base metal", Your
> PQR shall include heat input for each pass and WPS to be written with
> Heat Input for each pass, as per QW-409.1, any increase in heat input
> for each pass will require requalification.
> Heat input shall be calculated with QW-409.1 (a) and (b), if with any of
> these methods Heat Input is increased, you need to requalify the WPS,
> that's why max. heat input value is written for WPS.
> Regards
> Manpreet Singh
> On Fri, 28 Jan 2011 10:55:51 +0530 sandy wrote
> >Hi everybody
> >I have one query regarding the heat input.
> >If I am welding a joint with multipass, then I have diffrent heat
> >input for every pass depening on the parameters. now I want to know
> >which heat input shall be taken into consideration for the effect of
> >heat input on base metal, cauz every pass has its effect on base metal
> >and after every pass due to the previous heat input I am giving extra
> >heat in the base metal.
> >So I want to know should I take individual heat input or sum of all
> >heat input for getting the exact effect of Heat input on base metal.
> >Regards
> >Sandeep Kumar
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