Monday, January 31, 2011

RE: [MW:9609] heat input calculation in welding

From an ASME Section IX Code stand point the below statements are not correct.


On should read the Section IX, QW-409.1, interpretations (there are quite a few).  In particular one should Interpretation IX-81-91.  However, I will transcribe portions of several interpretations that are interesting:



Q4 – “If QW-409.1 does not require that average heat input be determined” {previous question – reply No} “how is heat input established for multiple pass procedure qualification?  Must it be established for each pass?

R4 – QW-409.1 requires requalification when an increase in heat input occurs over that qualified.  Maximum heat input is established during procedure qualification by determination of the maximum amperage and voltage in combination with the least travel speed or, alternatively, the maxi mum volume of weld metal deposited per unit length of weld.  Heat input is not required to be determined for each pass.



Q1 – Does QW-409.1 require the highest heat input, to be recorded on the PQR, be calculated on the parameter used at the location where the HAZ impact specimens are removed.

R1 – No.


Although, I will admit I record amperage, voltage, and travel speed for each pass when performing PQR welding whether impact testing is required or not;  i.e. whether QW-409.1 is an essential variable or not applicable.




From: [] On Behalf Of Pablo J Acelajado
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 2:16 AM
Subject: RE: [MW:9541] heat input calculation in welding


January 28, 2011




You need to show the individual Heat input of each pass and also indicate the sum or total Heat input. 


Thanks & best regards.



From: [] On Behalf Of manpreet
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: [MW:9538] heat input calculation in welding


Dear Sandeep,

As stated by you that "every pass has its effect on base metal", Your PQR shall include heat input for each pass and WPS to be written with Heat Input for each pass, as per QW-409.1, any increase in heat input for each pass will require requalification.

Heat input shall be calculated with QW-409.1 (a) and (b), if with any of these methods Heat Input is increased, you need to requalify the WPS, that's why max. heat input value is written for WPS.

Manpreet Singh

On Fri, 28 Jan 2011 10:55:51 +0530 sandy wrote
>Hi everybody
>I have one query regarding the heat input.
>If I am welding a joint with multipass, then I have diffrent heat
>input for every pass depening on the parameters. now I want to know
>which heat input shall be taken into consideration for the effect of
>heat input on base metal, cauz every pass has its effect on base metal
>and after every pass due to the previous heat input I am giving extra
>heat in the base metal.
>So I want to know should I take individual heat input or sum of all
>heat input for getting the exact effect of Heat input on base metal.
>Sandeep Kumar
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