Monday, January 31, 2011

Re: Re: Re: Re: [MW:9588] AW: 9550] Re: Requirement of suitable welding consumables SAW and SMAW for API 5L X65

Mr. Praveen ,
You are correct definitely we can not get El 46% but we can get YS and
TS with base metal matching by that way it will pass in TS and
naturally it will pass impact at -10 deg C so PQR will be passed.

Thank you

On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 13:49:40 +0530 wrote

You mean to say that the PQR when qualified should meet or exceed the
actual values mentioned in the MTC and not the minimum specified for
the base material (X65).

I think such a requirement is very unusual, you can match the strength
part, but I think its going to be a difficult task in locating a
consumable to give you 46% elongation.

Wish you good luck!


>--- On Mon, 1/31/11, muthu barathi

>From: muthu barathi
>Subject: Re: Re: Re: [MW:9584] AW: 9550] Re: Requirement of suitable
welding consumables SAW and SMAW for API 5L X65
>Date: Monday, January 31, 2011, 1:27 PM
Mr. Praveen,
>Thank you for your mail .
>My base metal's physical properties as given below:
>YS - 516MPa
>TS - 6256MPa
>El - 46%
>But the consumables physical properties is
>YS - 448 MPa.
>TS - 531 MPa.
>EL% - 23
>While testing definitely it will fail in weld metal and PQR will not
>This base metal will suit with ESAB OK 74.70 for SMAW and for SAW OK
>AUTOROD 13.24 - F8A10 - EG-G.
>This suits my requirement and now I am searching this consumables.
>Being a slow moving item it is very difficult to get .I tried in
>Saudi all middle east and India. Not readily available.
>Thanks to all my friends for given your valuable suggestions and
>spending your precise time.
>On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 11:16:08 +0530 wrote
>I have qualified and used these combinations on ISO 3183-3 L485MCS
>5L X70 Equivalent)
>Your PQR will get through comfortably for X65 grade.
>As I have mentioned earlier in my mail, Youracceptance criteria of the
>PQR should as a minimummeet the minimum specified properties of the
>base material and any additional requirements imposed by your clients
>I have attached a sample copy of OK 74.70 consumable TC for your
>reference, you can see the actual values of yield, tensile and impact
>propertiesof the particular batch of electrode ismeeting your minimum
>requirement of X 65
>YS - 448 MPa.
>TS - 531 MPa.
>EL% - 23 -
>>Impact at 0 deg.C 27 Joules.
>since the nickel is less than 1% you can use it for sour service as
>well, only care you should take is to make sure the capping pass HAZ
>doesnt exceed 275 HV, if at all sour service is imposed.
>Hope this helps,
>>--- On Sun, 1/30/11,
muthu barathi
>>From: muthu barathi
>>Subject: Re: Re: [MW:9566] AW: 9550] Re: Requirement of suitable
>welding consumables SAW and SMAW for API 5L X65
>>Date: Sunday, January 30, 2011, 7:31 PM
>Hi Mr Pravin,
>>thank you. I have to run the PQR and the PQR has to pass the tests.
>>Now you have seen the MTC contents . please tell me while testing by
>>using the ok74.70 electrodes E8018G what reading we may ecept?
>>On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 18:22:59 +0530 wrote
>>Since your material is API 5L X65 you can try the following
>>1. SMAW - E 8018 G (OK 74.70) from ESAB - Take it from Sweden plant.
>>2. SAW consumables from Lincoln
>>AWS Class F8A/P8 - E Ni5 - Ni5
>>Trade Names
>>P240 - Flux
>>LNS 165 - Wire
>>From the chemical composition you listed, the Carbon Equivalent value
>>comes to around 0.38.
>>Preheat the joint around 100 Deg. C, Interpass 250 Deg.C Max.
>>Since your Diameters are 48" and 36" are you going to back chip from
>inside to ensure complete penetration? If yes then you can use OK
>>I you dont have access towards the root side of the weld joint, I
>>recommend you to use ER 70S 6 or ER 70S2 (GTAW), do not use cellulose
>>electrodes for the root passes.
>>What ever consumable that has been mentioned above, please make sure
>>that all of them meets the minimum specified
properties of the base
>>material (X65).
>>Both the SMAW and SAW conusmables mentioned above will definitely
>>your requirement of X65 and for ER 70S 6 or ER 70S 2 you'll have to
>>talk to the manufacturer / dealer.
>>Make sure you get conusmable TC batch tested (Both mechanical and
>>chemical), do not accept batch TC's showing typical values.
>>Hope this
>>--- On Sat, 1/29/11, Siegbert Hafenscherer
>>> From: Siegbert Hafenscherer
>>> Subject: [MW:9551] AW: 9550] Re: Requirement of suitable welding
>>consumables SAW and SMAW for API 5L
>>> To:
>>> Date: Saturday, January 29, 2011, 9:54 PM
>>> Dear Mr. Muthu,
>>> It seems you need a usual welding material like
>>> E71T-1M/E71T-1
>>> Siegbert
>>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>> Von:
>>> []
>>> Im Auftrag von Raghuram Bathula
>>> Gesendet: Samstag, 29. Januar 2011 14:14
>>> An: Materials & Welding
>>> Betreff:
>[MW:9550] Re: Requirement of suitable welding
>>> consumables SAW and
>>> SMAW for API 5L X65
>>> Be explicit about your question
Open-ended questions tend to be perceived as open-ended
>>> time sinks.
>>> Those people most likely to be able to give you a useful
>>> answer are
>>> also the busiest people.
>>> You are more likely to get a useful response if you are
>>> explicit about
>>> what you want respondents to do (provide pointers, send
>>> info,
>>> whatever). This will focus their effort and implicitly put
>>> an upper
>>> bound on the time and energy a respondent must allocate to
>>> helping
>>> you. This is good.
>>> To understand the world the experts live in, think of
>>> expertise as an
>>> abundant resource and time to respond as a scarce one. The
>>> less of
>>> time commitment
you implicitly ask for, the more likely you
>>> are to get
>>> an answer from someone really good and really busy.
>>> On Jan 29, 12:32 pm, "muthu barathi"
>>> wrote:
>>> > Dear Sir
>>> >
>>> > Actually this material is for Piling work. We are
>>> constructing a new
>>> > jetty . Steel Pile material is API - 5 L PSL - 2 /
>>> Grade X-65 . Pile
>>> > size OD - 1219mm and wall thickness - 22.22mm and also
>>> other size OD -
>>> > 914mm and wall thickness - 22.22mm.
>>> >
>>> > Now I want make a WPS by carrying out PQR . So I am
>>> searching based on
>>> > the sample pipe's MTC. The reading I have given is
>>> replica of
MTC and
>>> > the is certified by Lloyds Surveyor too.
>>> >
>>> > Now please tell me the
>correct welding electrode for
>>> SMAW and wire and
>>> > flux for SAW process. As per API 5L PSL 2 / Grade 65.
>>> the requirement -
>>> >
>>> > X 65 - YS - 448 MPa. TS - 531 MPa. EL% - 23 -
>>> Impact at 0 deg.C
>>> > 27 Joules. C - 0.22 Mn - 1.45
>>> P- 0.025
>>> > S- 0.015 Ti - 0.06
>>> >
>>> > Approved brands electrodes - ESAB and OERLIKON from
>>> these consumables
>>> > shall be selected.
>>> >
>>> > While testing PQR it should not fail.
>>> >
>>> > Expecting your mail
>>> >
>>> > Thanking You.
>>> >
>>> > With Regards,
>>> >
>>> > Muthu Barathi P
>>> >
>>> > On Fri, 28 Jan 2011 03:28:26 +0530 wrote
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Mr. Muthu,
>>> > What's the applicable specification for this
>>> material,
>>> > ASTM/ASME/EN or any proprietary grade for any client
>>> or any vendor's
>>> > specification.The elongation and impact properties
>>> asked are highly
>>> > un-realistic. You never get a Carbon or Low Alloy
>>> steel with 46%
>>> > elongation
>>> > requirement, also, impact requirement is
>>> high.
>>> >
>>> > I would say, if you have any design paper work, which
>>> > indicates the grade or heat treatment of this steel
>>> the correct AWS
>>> > type of
>>> > welding consumables, SAW wire+flux specification etc
>>> could be worked
>>> > out.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Thanks.
>>> >
>>> > Pradip Goswami,P.Eng.IWE
>>> > Welding & Metallurgical Specialist
>>> > & Consultant
>>> > Ontario, Canada.
>>> >,
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > From:
>>> > []
>>> On Behalf Of Pablo J
>>> > Acelajado>Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 10:08
>>> AM
>>> > >To:
>>> >
>>> >>Subject:
>>> RE: [MW:9529] Requirement
>>> >
>>> > of suitable welding consumables SAW and SMAW
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > January 27,
>>> > 2011
>>> > Hello there!
>>> >
>>> > This
material is very strong one. I think
>>> > the welding consumable suppliers can best answer this
>>> question.
>>> >
>>> > My understanding is that the percentage
>>> > elongationis not required for the weld.
>>> > Thank you.
>>> >
>>> > Best regards.
>>> > PJA
>>> >
>>> > From:
>>> >
>>> > []
>>> On Behalf Of Kathalingam
>>> > Babu>Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 1:10
>>> > PM
>>> > >To:
>>> > >Subject: Re: [MW:9526] Requirement of
>>> >
>>> > suitable welding
consumables SAW and SMAW
>>> >
>>> > Hi
>>> >
>> The elongation requirement is very stringent, it is
>>> very
>>> > difficult to meet 46%, you have consult with the
>>> specific consumable
>>> > suppliers
>>> > to get 46%
>>> >
>>> > Thanks & Regards,
>>> >
>>> > K. Babu
>>> >
>>> > >----- Original Message -----
>>> >
>>> > From: muthu barathi
>>> >
>>> > To:
>>> >
>>> > Sent: Thursday,
>>> > January 27, 2011 4:36 PM
>>> >
>>> > Subject:
>>> > Requirement of suitable welding consumables SAW
>>> and
>>> > SMAW
>>> >
>>> > Hi Friends,
>>> >
>>> > >Let me get your expertise of
>>> >
>>> > selection of welding consumables in
>>> >
>>> > >The base material
>>> >
>>> > Chemical properties as given under (%):
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > >C - 0.066
>>> > >Si - 0.26
>>> > >Mn -
>>> > 1.55
>>> > >P
- 0.014
>>> > >S - 0.004
>>> > >Al - 0.046
>>> > >Cr - 0.186
>>> > >Ni - 0.015
>>> > >Mo
>>> > - 0.002
>>> > >Cu - 0.020
>>> > >V - 0.057
>>> > >Nb - 0.065
>>> > >Ti - 0.020
>>> > >N -
>>> > 0.007
>>> > >B - 0.00025
>>> > >Ca - 0.0025
>>> > >CE - 0.371
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > >YIELD STRENGTH - 516 MPa
>>> > MPa.
>>> > >ELONG % - 46
>>> > >IMOPACT
>>> >
>>> > - (-) 10 DEGREE C -
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > >WPS?
>>> >
>>> > >PLEASE
>>> > HELP.
>>> >
>>> > >Dear
>>> > Sir,
>>> >
>>> > >Thanking You,
>>> >
>>> > >Honesty is the best
>>> >
>>> > >With Warm Regards,
>>> >
>>> > >Muthu Barathi P
>>> > >Mobile
>>> >
>>> > No:00962788269821 (Jordan)
>>> >
>>> > >00962775401951
>>> >
>>> >
>>> --
>>> To post to this group, send email to materials-
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>>> The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members
>>> personel views and
>>> meant for educational purposes only, Users must take
>>> own decisions
>>> w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.
>>> --
>>> To post to this group, send
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>>> The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members
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>>> Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable
>>> code/standard/contract documents.
>>To post to this group, send email to
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>>For more options, visit this group's bolg at http://materials-
>>The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel
>>and meant for educational purposes
>only, Users must take their own
>>decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.
>>Dear Sir,
>>Thanking You,
>>Honesty is the best Policy
>>With Warm Regards,
>>Muthu Barathi P
>>Mobile No:00962788269821 (Jordan)
>>To post to this group, send email to materials-
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>>The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel
>and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own
>decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.
>To post to this group, send email to materials-
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>For more options, visit this group's bolg at http://materials-
>The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views
>and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own
>decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.
>Thanking You,
>Honesty is the best Policy
>With Warm Regards,
>Muthu Barathi P
>Mobile No:00962788269821 (Jordan)

>To post to this group, send email to materials-
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>The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views
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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views
and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own
decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

Dear Sir,

Thanking You,

Honesty is the best Policy

With Warm Regards,

Muthu Barathi P
Mobile No:00962788269821 (Jordan)

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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

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[MW:35485] Aluminium welding

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