Sunday, January 30, 2011

[MW:9558] fabrication of STAINLESS STEEL

Dear All
 We have problems in  stainless steel piping fabrication.the type of material is S316L.the process of welding GTAW, the filler metal is 316
1- in some cases the base metals stored in atmospheric environment, in locations of base metal occurred pitting corrosion.also in HAZ near of the weld also corroded.why?
2-The permeability of weld is changed that attracted by maybe this is due to increasing amount of ferrite or martensite. that it is detrimental for process.
how can i assess the existed phases? maybe is there a reason for increasing of permeability?

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[MW:35485] Aluminium welding

Dear Sirs, i need technical details on aluminium welding. could anyone help me with aluminium welding. kind regards, K Vinodh kumar Hosur, t...