Monday, May 11, 2020

Re: [SOCIAL NETWORK] Re: [SOCIAL NETWORK] [MW:30867] Pipeline Hydro test pressure calculation

I understand your question well, but to be able to do this calculation you need some data to work with the Hoop Stress formula: It is the wall thickness of the tube to which you will test, the Outside Diameter of the line of pipe to be tested, the Yield of the material from which the tube is made, which you can find in ASME Section II Part D.

El lun., 11 may. 2020 a las 6:19, Hemant W Joshi (<>) escribió:
did not understand the term volume pressure.hydro could be 1.5 times the design pressure. check first what is the design code being used.

From: <> on behalf of mujahith34 <>
Sent: 11 May 2020 12:14
To: Materials & Welding <>
Subject: [SOCIAL NETWORK] Re: [SOCIAL NETWORK] [MW:30864] Pipeline Hydro test pressure calculation

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 i have design pressure how to calculation of volume pressure and kg/cm 2 ?  

 can explain the hydro test process ............
Mohamed Mujahith

On Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at 4:10:31 PM UTC+3 wrote:

Check the design pressure first based on which the hydro test pressure has been set from your end .  Hydrotest need not be designed  as per code.


From: [] On Behalf Of JIJILAL K M
Sent: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 12:26 PM
Subject: [SOCIAL NETWORK] [MW:27814] Pipeline Hydro test pressure calculation


Dear Experts,


For the pipeline hydro test calculations,what is the pressure in bar required to produce hoop stress equal to 4341.45 kg/cm2? 



Best Regards,



+91 70346 35080


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Ing. José Juan Jiménez Alejandro

Independent Consultant in Parts

and Pressure Equipment


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