Monday, May 11, 2020

Re: [MW:30867] Re: SEC-IX RT acceptance

I see the criteria for acceptance in UW-51 and UW-52, I need to review it more carefully, if you expect to find a Table with those values, there is no such table with those values, I suggest you consult an ASME Authorized Inspector so that clarify your doubts, if you have a contract with an Inspection Agency. (ASME VIII Div. 1).
For welder qualification, I suggest you check QW- Qualification Test Welds.  (ASME IX).

El dom., 10 may. 2020 a las 22:49, 'Karthik' via Materials & Welding (<>) escribió:
The acceptance criteria for welder qualification - QW 191

Thanks& Regards,




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On Sunday, May 10, 2020, 10:35:05 PM GMT+7, vipul <> wrote:

Dear sir,

Please give a acceptance criteria as per uw-51 and 52

On Sunday, November 24, 2013 at 11:21:52 PM UTC-8, sunilkumar kundothara wrote:
Dear All,

When conducting  WPQT(welder performance qualification test), the
acceptance criteria for both visual & RT is SEC.IX, but the these are
seemed to be much short & liberal. like,

Visual- complete fusion & penetration only required for visual, then
what about undercuts, underfill, re-inforcement height etc ?
RT- only chart given is for porosity comparison (attached herewith).
what about slags and other defects?

If anybody has more details of the above part of  SEC.IX, please share.
due to these reasons some times we find difficulty to judge sub-con
welder performances.
could we refert the construction code of the intended project in that case?
Appreciating your valuable feedbacks.
Thanks in advance,

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