Saturday, May 16, 2020

RE: [MW:30890] welding electrode selection fro API 5L X70 grade pipe

Electrode selection will depend some on wall thickness and welding process.


If using stick welding (SMAW) you should try to overmatch strength of electrode to actual pipe yield and tensile strength especially for X70 pipe.  X70 pipe actual yield strength is commonly above 85KSI and actual tensile strength above 95KSI.  There are several known pipeline failures where E80XX and E70XX electrodes were used for X70 pipe especially at road crossing tie-in locations where there is more likely external land forces on the pipeline that concentrates high girth welds.  An E9018 or E10018 can be used. Extreme caution is required if an E9010 electrode is used.  It has a tendency to produce weld cracks when wall thickness is greater than 10mm and when sufficient preheat is not used.  One needs to consider the ability of the welders to weld the open root pass and second pass with EXX18 versus EXX10 type electrodes. It is quite common to use EXX10 type electrodes for root pass and second pass and then change to an EXX18 or EXX45 type electrode for fill and cap passes for X70 pipe.


There are many good mechanized welding systems and electrodes for X70 if that option is chosen.


Work with the pipe mill to get lower end strength for the X70 pipe – max yield 85KSI and max tensile 95KSI is possible.


From: <> On Behalf Of Vinay Thattey
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2020 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: [MW:30882] welding electrode selection fro API 5L X70 grade pipe




On Sun, 10 May 2020 at 09:01, Chandra Bhanu Mohapatra <> wrote:

Dear Expert

                   Can anybody suggest me the electrode selection for cross country pipeline with  grade of API 5L X70



tHanks & rEgards

Chandra Bhanu Mohapatra


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