Saturday, May 23, 2020

Re: [MW:30910] AWS D1.1 -Combination of welding process

I don't think there is any provision to derive a WPS for a single process from a multi process PQR in AWS D1.1. kindly check.

On Sat, 23 May 2020, 08:47 'Rajnish Dixit' via Materials & Welding, <> wrote:
Dear Chintan,
Yes, you can use this WPS for any one welding process also within the qualification ranges of that particular process.

Rajnish Dixit
On Wednesday, 20 May, 2020, 10:32:35 pm GMT+7, Chintan Raval <> wrote:

Dear all 
Kindly advice 
I have WPS for weld process fcaw + saw as per aws d1.1 

I want to use same wps for only FCAW process as saw is not feasible for few joints.

Is this allowed as per aws d1.1 or new pqr is required for single process.

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