Monday, May 18, 2020

Re: [MW:30897] Reference Thickness

Hi Ilkin,

Ultrasonic testing does not apply to Partial Penetration groove welds (PPW), due to the loss of the sound beam at or below the root of the weld, in the un-welded portion of the joint. If it is a Client requirement then this should be stated on some specifications in detail along with acceptance criteria.   

While UT cannot be used to evaluate the weld itself, it will only detect the root, and this information can be used to determine the depth of the PP groove weld. In this case, UT could be deemed effective, but for root depth determination only.

In conlucsion, for UT of PP welds, there must be special procedure and specific acceptance criteria. Please ask your Client if they can provide these information. Then think how to prepare your procedure, calibration block, etc., and only after all of these you can perform UT on such welds. Personally myself thinkg that no UT will be required on PP welds.

Best regards
Elshan Feyzullayev

From: <> on behalf of Ramin Kondori <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2020 11:59 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [MW:30871] Reference Thickness
Dear  Ilkin,

 If the "leg size" is 5mm then the throat is 3.5mm and you end up with 21+3.5=24.5 mm
In these calculations the throat of the fillet weld should be taken into consideration and not the leg size.

Ramin  Kondori
Sr. QA/QC & Welding Engineer
PG-Dip. in Welding Engineering (IWE  AT  0070)
BSc. in Civil Engineering (IUT)
BGAS Painting Inspector

On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 3:31 PM Ilkin Hasanov <> wrote:
Hi Gents,
We have a partial penetration (S=21mm)  with  5 mm leg length joint configuration ; (Tee Joint - combination weld (partial pen + fillet weld)
As per Client requirements if reference thickness is more than 25mm NDT should performed after 48 hours. (Reference thickness is

Could you please advise in our case what is the reference thickess 21 or 26 mm (21mm+5mm)

Ilkin Hasanov.

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