Saturday, March 16, 2019

[MW:29272] Re: Porosity problems in Monel welding


On Friday, March 15, 2019 at 10:02:03 AM UTC-5, CLV wrote:
Please suggest to overcome porosity problems observed during Monel 400 welding with CuNi-7 wire.
Porosity is generally the result of inadequate cleaning of the filler wire and groove area and / or loose Argon connections. Check all your Argon connections
from the torch to your regulator on the tank. All you need is one loose connection to suck a little air into your hose when you start to weld. Also check the hose proper by pressurizing the hose and submerging it in a water tank. Use some 'SNOOP' which is the brand name of a specific soap like liquid which you spray  on connections to see if they are leaking. You might also want to use a Argon / Helium mixture. Their are other reasons that can cause porosity. These are just two that I have had more experience with. Also try a search for 'Monel Welding' or 'Monel Porosity' on google.

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