Thursday, March 28, 2019

[MW:29411] Re: ASME SEC IX Code Issue

i want to know were is given asme sec 9 what will be interpass there any value given in code for interpass temp it is given only + 55 c but what temperature we can go +55 c preheating temp given in asme sec 8  

On Tuesday, 14 September 2010 18:13:18 UTC+5:30, limesh M wrote:

Dear All,

Design Code: ASME B31.3     Welding Code: ASME SEC IX

I have a Low temperature carbon steel impact tested PQR with a PWHT range of 600⁰±10⁰C.Is this condition giving an exemption for me on QW406.3 to prepare a WPS with maximum interpass temperature of 200⁰C.

Maximum interpass temperature observed during specimen welding: 140⁰C


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Any advice for cast iron welding Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone