Saturday, March 23, 2019

Re: [MW:29346] RE: Socket weld gap


ASME B 31.1 allows approx 2mm before welding and 1.5mm b31.3 as approx. whereas some owner mandates like Saudi Aramco allows 1.5 to 3mm which is minimum to max.

See my reply below


As per B31.3 for gap it states that gap requirement is 1.5 mm before weld and not what is the allowed gap after welding

If you fit before 1.5 to 3 only, you can ensure after welding by RT but this purely GAP check, but when defects observed the outcome for welders will be different, if GAP issue then it is not under welder .

Our client spec allows gap of 5mm after welding. 

Again depends upon service conditions, but 5mm is not acceptable. 

During RT it was noticed 7mm and so that it was rejected

Not acceptable.

The requirement for that line RT for socket weld is 5 percentage, in 20 socket weld of that line we took 1 that too found repair and did the repair and RT accepted. 

Now our client request to take 2 more extra socket weld RT to ensure the gap. Since in code or in client spec not mentioned about any extra RT requirements if repair noticed our contractor refuse to take extra RT. In this case is any code refers for extra RT for confirmation or we must follow blindly our client inspector request. Please advice. 

See this is the problem persists with different clients or with same clients with different projects with different peoples mentalities, someone may ask you for non-mandated requirements or sometimes some clients bosses will overlook the stringent requirement or code requirements just because opponent is so powerful or any code requirements will be over looked (Minor or Major), peoples wants us to change the body language or behaviour according to the location, but its simply not possible you know, especially when you love your job.

Hope you aren't in SAUDI ARMACO projects which mandates tracers pertaining with different consequences as said above for welder for gap check and if you check 1150 of SAEP (I beleive) a clause mandates for 10% RT maybe upon clients discretion and SAIC sockets and as per 01-SAIP-01.

The welders who fail RT and cannot produce quality socket weld free of defects (01-SAIP 01 & B31.3 criteria),  are restricted from socket welding. Additionally, random RT  (for gap and weld quality verification) shall be performed whenever just cause exists (per Para. 17.1.3), esp. if welders are found welding on oily matl. 
RT extent is a matter for procedures. Zero is required with a Verification Method per Attachment 1 - (Sample Gap Control Quality Procedure). Minimize your RT through Quality.

From: PGoswami
Date: 2019-03-21 20:18
Subject: [MW:29328] RE: Socket weld gap

Hi Balajirajan,

1.6 mm (max) gap is what B-31.3 mandates for socket welds.5mm gap specified by your client is quite generous. Usually such larger gaps are sources of trapped process fluid, which later results in pitting/crevices and leakages and shutdowns.

RT is not mandatory for socket welds, however may be asked at the discretion of client/design requirements.

7mm gap in any socket weld is a concern and is not acceptable.

Advise would be to cut and re-weld at the discretion of the client. Also developing devices/methods to maintain the gap within B-31.3 specified limit(see below) would help to avoid such issues in future.



P.Goswami.P.Eng, IWE.

Independent Welding & Metallurgical Specialist

Saudi Aramco: Designated Project Welding Engineer(DPWR)& Quality Management Personnel




From: Balajirajan Palanisamy []
Sent: March 20, 2019 4:07 PM
Subject: Socket weld gap


Dear Gents,

 As per B31.3 for gap it states that gap requirement is 1.5 mm before weld and not what is the allowed gap after welding. Our client spec allows gap of 5mm after welding.

During RT it was noticed 7mm and so that it was rejected. The requirement for that line RT for socket weld is 5 percentage, in 20 socket weld of that line we took 1 that too found repair and did the repair and RT accepted. 

Now our client request to take 2 more extra socket weld RT to ensure the gap. Since in code or in client spec not mentioned about any extra RT requirements if repair noticed our contractor refuse to take extra RT. In this case is any code refers for extra RT for confirmation or we must follow blindly our client inspector request. Please advice. 

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