Saturday, March 23, 2019

Re: [MW:29364] Qualification of 2 welders in one Test Piece (Pipe 12" inch)


On Mar 23, 2019 5:37 PM, "'Ibrahim Ramadan Hassan' via Materials & Welding" <> wrote:
Dear Sir
I am inquire about the Welders qualification test as Per ASME IX - QW-302 & QW-304
If I make WQT for qualification of (2) welders welding together in one test Pipe 12 " inch
hence the total circumference of Pipe 12 " inch = 957 mm so, Each welder will weld more than 150 mm as required by ASME IX And all the Pipe Circumference welded by each welder will be radio graphed.
Is that Acceptable is or not to qualify 2 welders in one test piece (Pipe 12" inch)?

Kindly reply on my inquiry.

Best Regards
Eng. / Ibrahim Ramadan Hassan
Section Head Mechanical QA/QC
PETROJET - Jordan Branch
Egypt Mob. : 00201000948366
Jordan Mob. : 00962791023621

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