Tuesday, July 31, 2018

[MW:28154] dimension for fillet weld

what should be leg length and throat if thickness is given in drawing only ?
how to decide it should be fillet of equal leg length or unequal leg length?
if the T joint ( fillet ) plates thickness are same or different than how do decide throat and leg size without help of drawing ?
please reply on the basis of asme sec 9 only.

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[MW:28154] Re: Nitrogen measurement by PMI


 In PMI test by using x-ray fluorescence machine , it is very difficulty to get level of nitrogen ,carbon ,sulfer etc.I think you can find out this element by using optical emission spectograph machine.



On Monday, July 30, 2018 at 7:06:50 AM UTC+4, ken wrote:

During weld metal Analysis of ER 90 S - B9 welded on P-91 material. According to ASME SEC II part C  SFA 5.28 below table. 1 , Notes-: h/i/j applicable. How to measure Nitrogen by using PMI.
Same time, is it mandatory to mention field PMI reports.

Thanks & Regards





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Each organization will have their own format based on their own quality requirements.


Some may call weld register, weld table, weld descriptions, weld summary plan etc. etc..


The points is wherever welding is involved, it should be indicated & supported with qualified WPS/PQR as minimum, NDT requirements / Welder identifications may be added if required.


All Pressure parts and Non Pressure parts / attachments, including repairs, buttering, Fillets, dissimilar weld etc.…shall be included in your weld plan.


You may check with your quality team / procedure of your organization and previous project reference if any, how the weld plan is finally approved ! 

Thanks and Regards

Rameshkannan Devaraj

"What you have learned is a mere handful; What you haven't learned is the size of the world – Avvaiyar"

On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 12:37 PM, JAY <jay0000.jp@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear team,

I would like to know some information/suggestion/knowledge to prepare weld plan,
Points are mentioned below

1. Is it mandatory to mention each and every weld joints in weld plane i.e welding of Lug support, name plates , hooks insulation rings etc.
2. What content should be mentioned in weld plan.( pl find attached formate that i have) , if there is any formate for weld plan then please provide us so i can revise it as per requirement.


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Pls refer ISo3834 for more details.

Thanking You,

With Regards..
Dinesh V Somwanshi
Api 570, Cswip 3.1,Bgas 2
Authorised Certified Piping, Welding, Painting Inspector.

On 30 Jul 2018 20:30, "JAY" <jay0000.jp@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear team,

I would like to know some information/suggestion/knowledge to prepare weld plan,
Points are mentioned below

1. Is it mandatory to mention each and every weld joints in weld plane i.e welding of Lug support, name plates , hooks insulation rings etc.
2. What content should be mentioned in weld plan.( pl find attached formate that i have) , if there is any formate for weld plan then please provide us so i can revise it as per requirement.


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Monday, July 30, 2018


Dear team,

I would like to know some information/suggestion/knowledge to prepare weld plan,
Points are mentioned below

1. Is it mandatory to mention each and every weld joints in weld plane i.e welding of Lug support, name plates , hooks insulation rings etc.
2. What content should be mentioned in weld plan.( pl find attached formate that i have) , if there is any formate for weld plan then please provide us so i can revise it as per requirement.


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Re: [MW:28151] Weld bead length



I rather prefer to use the word single "pass" instead of your single "bead" mentioned.


Bead is the maximum width of weld metal deposited either by stringer or weaving, which may be allowed Not more than 3 times of your diameter - practical limitation


Pass is the no of layers deposited either by single run or multiple run


Bead is NOT essential & isn't a code requirement in general case, but Pass has requirement.


Change in multiple to single pass/side is supplementary variable as per QW-410.9

What is the sequence used in your PQR ?


For Beads, There is restriction in Sec 8 –UCS 56 (4)(-a) for weld repairs after PWHT - The maximum bead width shall be four times the electrode core diameter


Since you are welding LTCS material, which have more effect on your impact requirement. Because of faster cooling rates and subsequent metallurgical effects.

Thanks and Regards

Rameshkannan Devaraj

"What you have learned is a mere handful; What you haven't learned is the size of the world – Avvaiyar"

On Sat, Jul 28, 2018 at 10:55 AM, Nadakuditi kiran kumar <kinnu78@gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you very much for your suggestions, we will implement the same sir
Thanks & Regards

N.Kiran kumar,

On Fri, 27 Jul 2018 at 12:05, Kannayeram Gnanapandithan
<kgpandithan@gmail.com> wrote:
> By doing multi run, u can improve toughness properties. Start with left and again start with right and finish at the centre .
> On Fri, 27 Jul 2018 11:13 am Nadakuditi kiran kumar, <kinnu78@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Steve,
>> Thanks for your suggestion, but my client asking us to start multi run welding after hot pass, actually we are doing multi run for cover pass. As it is very difficult to weld multi run in narrow groove.
>> On Fri 27 Jul, 2018, 9:14 AM 'Steve Burik' via Materials & Welding, <materials-welding@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>> All,
>>> Your client is right, multi bead welding  for cover pass - with SMAW - ensures fine grain weld metal and eliminates the risk of undercut which is the result of high amperage and incorrect electrode control.
>>> regards,
>>> Steve Burik, IWE
>>> On ‎Thursday‎, ‎July‎ ‎26‎, ‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎59‎:‎59‎ ‎AM, Nadakuditi kiran kumar <kinnu78@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Gentlemen,
>>> We are doing welding of LTCS materials, while welding some of the
>>> joints we welded final run in single bead which is as per approved
>>> WPS(3 x electrode dia.)  Our client is asking us to do multi bead
>>> welding above 6" pipe even though the gap in groove is below 9 mm. We
>>> are using 3.15 electrode to do the final run. We are maintaining heat
>>> in put in control. Please clarify me whether it is correct or not?
>>> Thanks & Regards
>>> N.Kiran kumar,
>>> --
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>>> https://www.linkedin.com/groups/122787
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Re: [MW:28151] PIPELINE PQR /WPS API 5L Grade X60

Hi Sanjeev

7.2.1 has been modified as above in 2013 edition. i was referring 2012 edition. 

Next revision they mentioned july 2018. 


On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 10:16 AM, Sajeev P <sajeevlaxmi@gmail.com> wrote:

I agree with Mr. Rameshkannan Devaraj except for Answer for question 1. As per the latest revisions ( 2013, 2016 and 2018) Para 7.2.1 states that " Welding procedures for pipelines designed to ASME B 31.4 or ASME B 31.8 shall be qualified with API STD 1104 or ASME SEC IX". Please refer your project standard cut off date.


On Tue 24 Jul, 2018, 14:47 Ramesh, <rameshkannandevaraj@gmail.com> wrote:

My response for your query as below

1)  Pl refer Clause 7.2.1 of SAES-W-012, "All welding procedures for pipelines shall be qualified in accordance with API STD 1104 as required by the design codes, ASME B31.4 and ASME B31.8. 
     For other applications permitted by the design code, procedures may be qualified in accordance with ASME SEC IX."
2)  Pl refer Clause 7.4.19 & 7.2.1 Para 2 of SAES-W-012, - Required
3) & 4 )  Pl refer Clause 6.1.5 of SAES-W-012, go with manufacturer recommendation, Aramco is requirement is as per ASME Sec II C 
5)   Pl refer Clause 7.5.1 & 7.2.1 Para 2 of SAES-W-012, - Required
6)   Pl refer Clause 7.4 – Procedure Variable of SAES-W-012

Thanks and Regards

Rameshkannan Devaraj

"What you have learned is a mere handful; What you haven't learned is the size of the world – Avvaiyar"

On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 7:42 PM, Jay Jay <jaffarja1@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Experts,

Need your suggestions/feedback for developing PQR /WPS for the following:-

Wet crude Sour service pipeline , ASME B31.4/31.8 , API 5 L Gr X60 ,ISO 15156 ,PSL2 , 24" ,12.7MM thickness, ASME Sec IX/API 1104 , Temperature range 0 to 90' C

My quarry:-

1)As per the applicable Aramco Standard ( SAES-W-012) , for Manual Welding process PQR can be qualified to either ASME SEC IX or API 1104, but many are insisting to use API 1104 to qualify as it is a pipeline . So kindly advise

2) Impact test required?

3)Suggested Welding Consumables for a) SMAW only b) GTAW & SMAW

4)Contractor is insisting for all pass Downhill welding using cellulosic electode E7010 for all passes,to avoid baking and storage requirements of Low hydrogen electrode(E7018).Is it possible ?

5)Hardness required for PQR?

6)Can this PQR be used for welding API 5L Grade B joints, without re-qualification?

Apologize for the lenghty quarry, waiting your valuable reponses.

Thank you 

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please Ignore the previous mail.

On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 8:36 AM JAY <jay0000.jp@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear professional, 

I just had my customer come see my shop and they asked me if I use 
shop travelers. I had to tell them no because I don't right now. I want to start using one but am having trouble finding a template online. Does anybody have a template, or a copy of one that I can use to make one?

Please Do the needful.

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Re: [MW:28149] PIPELINE PQR /WPS API 5L Grade X60


I agree with Mr. Rameshkannan Devaraj except for Answer for question 1. As per the latest revisions ( 2013, 2016 and 2018) Para 7.2.1 states that " Welding procedures for pipelines designed to ASME B 31.4 or ASME B 31.8 shall be qualified with API STD 1104 or ASME SEC IX". Please refer your project standard cut off date.


On Tue 24 Jul, 2018, 14:47 Ramesh, <rameshkannandevaraj@gmail.com> wrote:

My response for your query as below

1)  Pl refer Clause 7.2.1 of SAES-W-012, "All welding procedures for pipelines shall be qualified in accordance with API STD 1104 as required by the design codes, ASME B31.4 and ASME B31.8. 
     For other applications permitted by the design code, procedures may be qualified in accordance with ASME SEC IX."
2)  Pl refer Clause 7.4.19 & 7.2.1 Para 2 of SAES-W-012, - Required
3) & 4 )  Pl refer Clause 6.1.5 of SAES-W-012, go with manufacturer recommendation, Aramco is requirement is as per ASME Sec II C 
5)   Pl refer Clause 7.5.1 & 7.2.1 Para 2 of SAES-W-012, - Required
6)   Pl refer Clause 7.4 – Procedure Variable of SAES-W-012

Thanks and Regards

Rameshkannan Devaraj

"What you have learned is a mere handful; What you haven't learned is the size of the world – Avvaiyar"

On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 7:42 PM, Jay Jay <jaffarja1@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Experts,

Need your suggestions/feedback for developing PQR /WPS for the following:-

Wet crude Sour service pipeline , ASME B31.4/31.8 , API 5 L Gr X60 ,ISO 15156 ,PSL2 , 24" ,12.7MM thickness, ASME Sec IX/API 1104 , Temperature range 0 to 90' C

My quarry:-

1)As per the applicable Aramco Standard ( SAES-W-012) , for Manual Welding process PQR can be qualified to either ASME SEC IX or API 1104, but many are insisting to use API 1104 to qualify as it is a pipeline . So kindly advise

2) Impact test required?

3)Suggested Welding Consumables for a) SMAW only b) GTAW & SMAW

4)Contractor is insisting for all pass Downhill welding using cellulosic electode E7010 for all passes,to avoid baking and storage requirements of Low hydrogen electrode(E7018).Is it possible ?

5)Hardness required for PQR?

6)Can this PQR be used for welding API 5L Grade B joints, without re-qualification?

Apologize for the lenghty quarry, waiting your valuable reponses.

Thank you 

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Sunday, July 29, 2018

[MW:28146] Nitrogen measurement by PMI


During weld metal Analysis of ER 90 S - B9 welded on P-91 material. According to ASME SEC II part C  SFA 5.28 below table. 1 , Notes-: h/i/j applicable. How to measure Nitrogen by using PMI.
Same time, is it mandatory to mention field PMI reports.

Thanks & Regards





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Dear team,

Reference to the above mention subject, i would like to know selection of filler wire when welding cladding material for following situation.

1. I have job having below M.O.C for heater bonnet, 
(also find attachment for design joint)

Now my query is on selection of filler wire, can i use following filler wire for above situation

1. ER 309 LMO - It is for root run between body flange and channel plate for above situation. 
2. ER 308L - For subsequent layer and final run.

Also can i use wps qualifying with following criteria?.

(see attachment-WPS-1)-For root run welding
(see attachment-WPS-2)-For subsequent & final layer welding.

Or i need to qualify additional wps using two filer wire.

Thanks in advance

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Dear professional, 

I just had my customer come see my shop and they asked me if I use 
shop travelers. I had to tell them no because I don't right now. I want to start using one but am having trouble finding a template online. Does anybody have a template, or a copy of one that I can use to make one?

Please Do the needful.

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Saturday, July 28, 2018

[MW:28145] Pressure vessel tolerances

Dear Experts,

Please help me to explain this requirement : "C- Rectitude of the generatrix: whatever part of a cylinder generatrix with 6.5 mm in length shall range within 2 x 6.5 mm spaced lines both parallel to the centreline". I have not fully understand. Thank you.


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Re: [MW:28143] Weld bead length


Debate regarding weaving starts with fact that many of WPS  states weaving as 3 times diameter, without any particular need. However, for 9 mm width, I believe no standard mandates multi-weave. At maximum, heat input can be measured and co related with pqr value.


On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 9:59 PM, Nadakuditi kiran kumar
<kinnu78@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Gentlemen,
We are doing welding of LTCS materials, while welding some of the
joints we welded final run in single bead which is as per approved
WPS(3 x electrode dia.)  Our client is asking us to do multi bead
welding above 6" pipe even though the gap in groove is below 9 mm. We
are using 3.15 electrode to do the final run. We are maintaining heat
in put in control. Please clarify me whether it is correct or not?

Thanks & Regards

N.Kiran kumar,

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Re: [MW:28143] Weld bead length

Thank you very much for your suggestions, we will implement the same sir
Thanks & Regards

N.Kiran kumar,

On Fri, 27 Jul 2018 at 12:05, Kannayeram Gnanapandithan
<kgpandithan@gmail.com> wrote:
> By doing multi run, u can improve toughness properties. Start with left and again start with right and finish at the centre .
> On Fri, 27 Jul 2018 11:13 am Nadakuditi kiran kumar, <kinnu78@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Steve,
>> Thanks for your suggestion, but my client asking us to start multi run welding after hot pass, actually we are doing multi run for cover pass. As it is very difficult to weld multi run in narrow groove.
>> On Fri 27 Jul, 2018, 9:14 AM 'Steve Burik' via Materials & Welding, <materials-welding@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>> All,
>>> Your client is right, multi bead welding for cover pass - with SMAW - ensures fine grain weld metal and eliminates the risk of undercut which is the result of high amperage and incorrect electrode control.
>>> regards,
>>> Steve Burik, IWE
>>> On ‎Thursday‎, ‎July‎ ‎26‎, ‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎59‎:‎59‎ ‎AM, Nadakuditi kiran kumar <kinnu78@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Gentlemen,
>>> We are doing welding of LTCS materials, while welding some of the
>>> joints we welded final run in single bead which is as per approved
>>> WPS(3 x electrode dia.) Our client is asking us to do multi bead
>>> welding above 6" pipe even though the gap in groove is below 9 mm. We
>>> are using 3.15 electrode to do the final run. We are maintaining heat
>>> in put in control. Please clarify me whether it is correct or not?
>>> Thanks & Regards
>>> N.Kiran kumar,
>>> --
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Friday, July 27, 2018

Re: [MW:28142] Weld bead length

By doing multi run, u can improve toughness properties. Start with left and again start with right and finish at the centre .

On Fri, 27 Jul 2018 11:13 am Nadakuditi kiran kumar, <kinnu78@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Steve,
Thanks for your suggestion, but my client asking us to start multi run welding after hot pass, actually we are doing multi run for cover pass. As it is very difficult to weld multi run in narrow groove.

On Fri 27 Jul, 2018, 9:14 AM 'Steve Burik' via Materials & Welding, <materials-welding@googlegroups.com> wrote:

Your client is right, multi bead welding  for cover pass - with SMAW - ensures fine grain weld metal and eliminates the risk of undercut which is the result of high amperage and incorrect electrode control.


Steve Burik, IWE

On ‎Thursday‎, ‎July‎ ‎26‎, ‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎59‎:‎59‎ ‎AM, Nadakuditi kiran kumar <kinnu78@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Gentlemen,
We are doing welding of LTCS materials, while welding some of the
joints we welded final run in single bead which is as per approved
WPS(3 x electrode dia.)  Our client is asking us to do multi bead
welding above 6" pipe even though the gap in groove is below 9 mm. We
are using 3.15 electrode to do the final run. We are maintaining heat
in put in control. Please clarify me whether it is correct or not?

Thanks & Regards

N.Kiran kumar,

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Re: [MW:28140] acceptance edition of asme

yes asme sec2 part A table no 200 is given in which accept year of edition is provided.

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Re: [MW:28140] Weld bead length

Dear Steve,
Thanks for your suggestion, but my client asking us to start multi run welding after hot pass, actually we are doing multi run for cover pass. As it is very difficult to weld multi run in narrow groove.

On Fri 27 Jul, 2018, 9:14 AM 'Steve Burik' via Materials & Welding, <materials-welding@googlegroups.com> wrote:

Your client is right, multi bead welding  for cover pass - with SMAW - ensures fine grain weld metal and eliminates the risk of undercut which is the result of high amperage and incorrect electrode control.


Steve Burik, IWE

On ‎Thursday‎, ‎July‎ ‎26‎, ‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎59‎:‎59‎ ‎AM, Nadakuditi kiran kumar <kinnu78@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Gentlemen,
We are doing welding of LTCS materials, while welding some of the
joints we welded final run in single bead which is as per approved
WPS(3 x electrode dia.)  Our client is asking us to do multi bead
welding above 6" pipe even though the gap in groove is below 9 mm. We
are using 3.15 electrode to do the final run. We are maintaining heat
in put in control. Please clarify me whether it is correct or not?

Thanks & Regards

N.Kiran kumar,

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Re: [MW:28139] Weld bead length


Your client is right, multi bead welding  for cover pass - with SMAW - ensures fine grain weld metal and eliminates the risk of undercut which is the result of high amperage and incorrect electrode control.


Steve Burik, IWE

On ‎Thursday‎, ‎July‎ ‎26‎, ‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎59‎:‎59‎ ‎AM, Nadakuditi kiran kumar <kinnu78@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Gentlemen,
We are doing welding of LTCS materials, while welding some of the
joints we welded final run in single bead which is as per approved
WPS(3 x electrode dia.)  Our client is asking us to do multi bead
welding above 6" pipe even though the gap in groove is below 9 mm. We
are using 3.15 electrode to do the final run. We are maintaining heat
in put in control. Please clarify me whether it is correct or not?

Thanks & Regards

N.Kiran kumar,

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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Re: [MW:28136] acceptance edition of asme


I am unable to understand your question fully. 


Your plate is already produced / certified  before issuing  2017 edition, you can't do anything.


Even, Supplier can't provide you same MTC with same heat number or batch numbers !!!


Pl refer attached screen shot from "Sec IIA-P2 mandatory appendix ii Basis for use of acceptable asme, astm, and non-astm Editions" which may be helpful .


Anyway, you can use that raw material said by earlier members on this topic

Thanks and Regards

Rameshkannan Devaraj

"What you have learned is a mere handful; What you haven't learned is the size of the world – Avvaiyar"

On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 1:36 PM, Er Sourav Bohray <ermechsouravbohray@gmail.com> wrote:
but sr asme sec 2 part A table 200 give info that accepted edition for sa516 gr70 is upto only 2010 .except 2017 edition i can only use edition upto 2010.

On 14 Jul 2018 1:03 p.m., "Prasad Ghanekar" <prsgne@gmail.com> wrote:
You need to compare with 2017 edition, if found fulfilling all mandatory requirements then you have to recertify as 2017.

On Sat, 14 Jul 2018 11:25 Souravbohray, <ermechsouravbohray@gmail.com> wrote:
can i use raw material based on asme sec 2 part A edition 2015 even asme 2017 edition already published

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[MW:35346] Cast-iron welding

Any advice for cast iron welding Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone