Monday, September 22, 2014

[MW:21965] Procedure and Process qualification

Dear Experts

In our company are in process of pipe to pipe  SS316  MOC  Procedure and welde  rqulification  Pipe dia 250 X12thickX150L  Each pice  joined with MIG process, Visually  and also after RT   clearly says Lack of penetration even Though our Internal inspector recommended to go for Mechanical test,

In mechanical they have cut the pieces  where ever the LOP was not there in the weld joint, Portion was taken and results are meeting the valves .

Here this way can we accept this as procedure ,process and welder has passed the test as pe ASME Sec IX.

I need Experts opinion    on this.



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[MW:35346] Cast-iron welding

Any advice for cast iron welding Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone