Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Re: [MW:18305] Re: 42CrMo4 ( SAE 4140 ) Welding


We have successfully welded 42CrMo4 in past with E8018-B2, Preheat min. 150-200 degree celcius followed by PWHT.


Prem Nautiyal

From: muhammad bilal <muhammadbilal6@gmail.com>
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 1:32 PM
Subject: [MW:18297] Re: 42CrMo4 ( SAE 4140 ) Welding

Dear All!

We have a screw 7inch diameter made of AISI 4140, its edges are wear our we have to build up, what will be best welding consumable and procedure.

Is 300C pre-heat necessary.........also 590-600C is post heat of PWHT, what is holding time?

M Bilal 

On Thursday, 11 August 2011 10:26:30 UTC+5, Sinan ARSLAN wrote:

As you seen on drawing we will do fillet weld at this ring.The material grade 42CrMo4 ( SAE 4140 ).
I searched on internet it must be apply preheating which degree nearly 316ᵒ C before welding and after welding it must be apply heat thearetment ( 590  ᵒC-600  ᵒC ) and than cool down at room temperature.
Now i am looking an electrode for this material.
At enclosed i added speciality for this material.Could you advice me an electrode for this material?Which electrode?


Best Regards.

Mechanical Eng. 
Welding Eng.

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