Monday, July 29, 2013

Re: [MW:18284] Fwd: WPS for Production or Maintenance of Machinery Parts

Dear Mr Soman

its too general to answer, it depends on what code of construction you follow. ASME may not be applicable in most those repair and maintenance jobs. however if you are intended to use ASME BPV Sec IX WPS, one need to follow guidelines depending on the requirement (welding, hard facing or corrosion Resistance overlay)
you can use a WPS prepared for Groove welds on all types of components (geometry is not an essential variable)
Groove as well as fillets withing the same P number/group number materials.
in case of hard facing or CRO separate WPS required. you need to revise WPS when an essential variable changes ( for e.g material not from the same group or thickness as governed by the applicable code) and not for Geometry of component. position is essential only in case of toughness requirement.
 similar set of variables apply to welder qualification also within the limits as given in ASME IX (e.g. base metal, position, diameter etc.)

Dear All,

I have the following Query :

How is a WPS made for for a Specific Production Job?  How does one go about making a WPS for say, building up of a shaft or building up of a Valve Body or maybe Pump Housing and similar - Production or Maintenance jobs.  This can be overlay or it can be welding for repairs of cracks or any holes developed or corrosion affected areas and similar. 

The Standard WPS of Welding of a single or two metals with a definite filler either in Plate or Pipe form, and in a designated position in either Fillet or Lap or Corner or Butt and with a suitable process is known to us but the above may not be a standard job and the jobs also may be small in dimensions. 

My next doubt is:
What if the job dimension change in the above case?  Do we have to make a separate WPS and qualify the welder for every different job? Or we can qualify the welder in a generic form meaning, if he can overlay a given parent metal plate with designated filler, he should qualify for this particular welding process after applying the essential and non essential variables criteria from Sec. IX. for different/ separate jobs.

Thanks in advance.

G. A. Soman

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