Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Re: Fw: [MW:7855] ASME BPV SEC IX Material Range issue

The query is written that, "actual PQR is P1 G1  to P1  G2, how can we extend WPS to different P no. ie  P2 G2 to P2 G2 (Disregard typo error).
I have overlook the query. and very well agree you and Karhik, if it is " P1G2 to P1G2" or "P1G1 to P1G1"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 4:12 AM
Subject: RE: Fw: [MW:7845] ASME BPV SEC IX Material Range issue

K. Babu


You are incorrect.


QW-403.5 addresses Group number restrictions for base metals when impact testing is required.


Please review QW-403.5, end of third paragraph:  "For ferrous materials . . . In addition, when base metals of two different P-Number  Group Number combinations are qualified using a single test coupon, that coupon qualifies the welding of those two P-Number Group Numbers to themselves as well as to each other using the variables qualified."



Please also note the following Code update notification (from HSB web site):



Code Book:


Subpart or Table:

Article IV

Code Paragraph:


ASME Tracking Number:




Clarify Qualification Requirements for Dissimilar Welds

Revised QW-403.5 to clarify that different PQRs qualified for base metals within the same P-No., but having different Group numbers, may be used to support welding the different group numbers to each other in combination, provided all remaining essential and supplementary essential variables are the same.


So as  of the 2006 Addenda of Section IX – the proposal to write three WPS's {P1G1 –P1G1, P1G2-P1G2, and P1G1-P1G2} is valid and correct.


Obviously if impacts are not required, Group Number is superfluous, and all P1materials are qualified to weld to all P1 materials.




From: [] On Behalf Of Kathalingam Babu
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [MW:7798] ASME BPV SEC IX Material Range issue




Regarding the Query No.2, the actual PQR is P1 G1  to P1  G2. So is it possible to weld P2 G2 to P2 G2 as per QW 403.5?


You cannot weld P2 G2 to P2 G2  with existing P1 G1  to P1  G2 qualification







----- Original Message -----

From: Karthik

Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 11:31 PM

Subject: Re: Fw: [MW:7793] ASME BPV SEC IX Material Range issue



Yes. Can write if impact test is not applicable.


Thanks & Regards





QA/QC Manager

Getabec Energy Co.,Ltd.




Phone: 0066 38 897035-8 (Off)

Fax: 0066 38 897034

Hand Phone: 0066 892512282

--- On Mon, 10/25/10, aneesh <> wrote:

From: aneesh <>
Subject: Fw: [MW:0] ASME BPV SEC IX Material Range issue
To: "Materials & Welding" <>
Date: Monday, October 25, 2010, 8:28 PM

Karthik Sir,

Regarding the Query No.2, the actual PQR is P1 G1  to P1  G2. So is it possible to weld P2 G2 to P2 G2 as per QW 403.5?

Please correct me if I am wrong.


On Mon, 25 Oct 2010 11:32:50 , Karthik wrote


.As per QW403.5 you can use.Please find below the answer for your quiries marked in RED.

Quiery No.1

1. Is there any problem for welding P1 Group No.1 to P1 Group No.1  &  P1 Group No.2 to P1 Group No.2 based on above PQR?


For ferrous materials in table QW/QB-422, a procedure

qualification shall be made for each P-Number Group Number

combination of base metals, even though procedure

qualification tests have been made for each of the two

base metals welded to itself. If, however, two or more

qualification records have the same essential and supplementary

essential variables, except that the base metals

are assigned to different Group Numbers within the same

P-Number, then the combination of base metals is also

qualified. In addition, when base metals of two different

P-Number Group Number combinations are qualified using

a single test coupon, that coupon qualifies the welding of

those two P-Number Group Numbers to themselves as well

as to each other using the variables qualified.

This variable does not apply when impact testing of the

heat-affected zone is not required by other Sections.

Quiery No.2

2.  Can I write separate WPS (with impact test) based on above PQR for,

Material – P1 Group No. 1 to P1 Group No. 1

Material – P2 Group No. 2 to P2 Group No. 2

QW200.2 (f) Multiple WPSs With One PQR/Multiple PQRs With

One WPS. Several WPSs may be prepared from the data

on a single PQR (e.g., a 1G plate PQR may support WPSs

for the F, V, H, and O positions on plate or pipe within

all other essential variables). A single WPS may cover

several essential variable changes as long as a supporting

PQR exists for each essential and, when required, supplementary

essential variable [e.g., a single WPS may cover

a thickness range from 116 in. (1.5 mm) through 114 in.

(32 mm) if PQRs exist for both the 116 in. (1.5 mm) through


316 in. (5 mm) and 316 in. (5 mm) through 114 in. (32 mm)

thickness ranges].


Quiery No.3

Is there any problem for showing all material range in a single WPS based on above PQR?

Ie, qualified range of materials- P1 Group No. 1 & P1 Group No. 2 in the same WPS.

No problem.You can write all material range as much as possible within the P number specified in the WPS

Thanks & Regards,




QA/QC Manager

Getabec Energy Co.,Ltd.




Phone: 0066 38 897035-8 (Off)

Fax: 0066 38 897034

Hand Phone: 0066 892512282

--- On Sun, 10/24/10, limesh M <> wrote:

From: limesh M <>
Subject: [MW:7767] ASME BPV SEC IX Material Range issue
To: "Materials & Welding" <>
Date: Sunday, October 24, 2010, 9:42 PM

Dear All,


I need your help in the following subject.


Design Code – ASME B31.3


I have a PQR for the following material classification as per ASME BPV SEC IX

Material – P1 Group No. 1 to P1 Group No. 2

Weld Metal Impact Tested – Yes

My query is that,

1. Is there any problem for welding P1 Group No.1 to P1 Group No.1  &  P1 Group No.2 to P1 Group No.2 based on above PQR?

2.  Can I write separate WPS (with impact test) based on above PQR for,

Material – P1 Group No. 1 to P1 Group No. 1

Material – P2 Group No. 2 to P2 Group No. 2

My next query is that,

Is there any problem for showing all material range in a single WPS based on above PQR?

Ie, qualified range of materials- P1 Group No. 1 & P1 Group No. 2 in the same WPS.






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