Tuesday, September 28, 2010

[MW:7253] RE: 7230] Consumables to Base Metal



ASME Section IX is a qualification document and not a design guide.  Once you have chosen your electrode/consumable and base metal(s), you qualify a WPS in accordance with the rules  of Sc IX and any other overriding design Code rules.  The consumable is limited to the A# and F# of the consumable used for the qualification testing.   If the consumable is an “unlisted” (i.e. not specified in Section Part C) one then it is limited to brand and type or specific chemistry.




From: materials-welding@googlegroups.com [mailto:materials-welding@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Larry
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 6:57 PM
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Subject: [MW:7230] Consumables to Base Metal


Hi there,


Can anybody pointed me out to which clause in ASME IX that says that a certain consumables (Electrode) would be able to weld a certain base metal.


Your response is very much appreciated.






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