Monday, May 24, 2010

[MW:5231] Re: Technical Qery regarding welder performance qualification for ASME Sec ix QW-452.1(b)

Dear Mr. Asad Azmi,

The term "all" in this table 452.1(b) has nothing to do with welding
positions as proposed by Mr. Israr Ahmed but applies on the full
thickness of the specimen welded during qualification also when using
different welding processes and/or combinations of multiple welders.
So when the thickness of the test plate for example was 30 mm with
weld metal over full thickness (t) the thickness range qualified is 2t
which in this case is <60 mm.

The second part applies on the following: If multiple process or
welders are used each process / welder should weld a part of minimum
of 13 mm of the full thickness with min.3 layers in order to receive a
thickness approval range for all thickness's. Qualification is also
only valid for multilayer welding, the comment from Mr. Israr Ahmed
about single layer of max. 13 mm is not mentioned in this table,
besides that a single layer of 13 mm is in my opinion only possible
with SAW process.
So for example let say you have a test piece single side welded of 30
mm in which you execute a root of 4 layers GTAW with a total thickness
of min. 13 mm, for the rest you perform GMAW (17 mm) than your welder
qualification has a thickness validity for GTAW: all thickness with/
wihout backing; for GMAW: all thickness only with backing or back

I hope this clarify things for you.

Best Regards,

Herman Pieper

On 23 mei, 07:38, asad azmi <> wrote:
> Dear All,
> *Can you please elobrate the meaning of  word "ALL"   and  "1/2 ( 13)  and
> over with a minimum of three layers"  from the table QW - 452.1(b) .*
> **
> *also what is the  thickness of weld metal qualified if the welder is
> qualified by BEND Test.( QW-452.1(a))*
> **
> Thanks & Regards
> **
> *Asad Azmi*
> --
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