Sunday, August 2, 2020

Re: [MW:31261] Combination of PQRs

There is no problem welding 904L with SFA5.14 and since 904L and 825-Incolloy have the same P-number the qualified PQR/WPS can be used without issue; as a matter of fact nickel base filler metal (overmatching) especially NiCrMo-3 is preferred for welding this alloy to avoid formation of ferrite content in the weld metal. 
On Saturday, 1 August 2020, 12:49:10 GMT+1, prasad loke <> wrote:

Dear Sir,
Greetings !
We are in need your expert opinion on following issue,
We have WPS/PQR for Incolloy 825-Incolloy 825 ( P number 45)----Filler used for same is from SFA 5.14
Now We have a requirement of SS904L to SS904L welding.( P number 45)---Where recommended filler is ER385 with SFA 5.9
If we make WPS with filler from SFA 5.14 for this (SS904L to SS904L) welding as P number is same, can it be supported with existing PQR of Inc-825 to INC-825 ?
Thanks in advance.
Prasad Loke

On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 1:03 PM K K <> wrote:

Hi Experts,

"Good Morning"

According to my line classes, I required NACE+HIC+PWHT Wet H2 services.

What is the test shall be conducted according to the standard to meet the requirements?

I have one PQR with NACE+PWHT+Wet H2S services, but not HIC test.

In addition, I have qualified one HIC tested PQR without PWHT no other lab test certificates, shall I combined this PQR to the above requirements( NACE+HIC+PWHT+wet H2S).

For your information, the HIC test is an additional requirement of our specifications.

Please looking your feedback on my above query.

Thanks and Regards


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Dear Perumal, I answer the same but got one more question where it is written that TPI witness is mandatory? -- https://materials-...