Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Re: [MW:31328] Unlisted material is not allowed

your material is listed in latest ASME Sec IX, please refer the ASME section IX.

Regarding qualification of  non listed material , you can very well qualify as per ASME section IX, it allow.

On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 1:07 PM K K <karan.hbl@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear All,

I have received comments from my client as the above subject.
I have submitted my WPS and PQR for approval, please refer below for details.
PQR is qualified with Unlisted material and qualified with according to ASME Sec.IX.
PQR Material - SA 516 Gr.70 to P 355NH.
Please explain to me according to code ASME Sec.IX.
Shall I not qualify WPS unlisted materials according to ASME Sec.IX ?
or Unlisted material is not allowed according to ASME Sec.IX.
The propose of qualification is for stack supporting structure, seal welding of convection to the radiant section.
Please looking your favorable replay to my query.

Thanks and Regards.

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