Sunday, March 10, 2019

Re: [MW:29245] What is Deference Between LP & HP welder?

There is nothing in the codes pertaining to this Hp / LP. Years ago, welders who welded heavy wall Cr. piping that was pre heated in fossil fuel plants were called
HOT WELDERS. This was a slang term that probably started in a bar after work. The term has persisted somewhat as these welders still refer to themselves as 'HOT WELDERS.'  The term (H)igh  (P)ressure welders originated in the same way. This term again refers to a welder who welds on the high temperature, high pressure Main Steam lines which are pre heated. These welders were considered the BEST welders because they had to perform these welds while enduring the high temperatures from the pre-heating equipment. Consequently they worked thru dinner time & got overtime as a bonus. These welds are heavy wall like 2-3 inchs or more and are X-Rayed & stressed relieved. A High Pressure, HP. welder is an archaic term. Nevertheless these guys are considered the 'crème of the crop. LP has to mean a Low Pressure welder. One who welds on water lines, no X-Ray, etc. If your client wants you to categorize your welders HP & LP  I don't see a problem. You should now which welders that are qualifying are really good, and which welders are just so-so. And your inspectors in the field should know
which ones are really good and those who are average.


On Friday, March 8, 2019 at 3:11:14 AM UTC-6, sureshkumar wrote:

Please check project specification/vendor procedure/Li censor procedure, nothing given make one letter to client to clarify  



On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 11:10 AM José Juan Jiménez Alejandro <> wrote:
Frankly I had never heard these two concepts, at least they DO NOT EXIST IN ASME, and it did not seem logical to me that they will be linked to a specific type of material. regards!.

El jue., 7 de marzo de 2019 9:47 p. m., Hareesh K V <> escribió:
Dear All, 

At least one person (Mr. José Juan Jiménez Alejandro) asked that question "which is the code?"

To avoid serious before commenting please ask the background.

Which is the construction code? 
ASME B31.1, ASME B31.3 or any other (IBR 1950- India Boiler Regulations )

"May be because of quality issues. Client afraid, interchange the filler wire for HP (P91) LP( P22 or P11)"

In which code it is written that HP is P91 and LP is P22/P11?
HP, LP etc are design basis and cannot be linked to a particular material.


Hareesh K V

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019, 6:18 AM José Juan Jiménez Alejandro <> wrote:

El jue., 7 de marzo de 2019 10:30 a. m., Arun Kumar.P <> escribió:

May be because of quality issues. Client afraid, interchange the filler wire for HP (P91) LP( P22 or P11)



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Re: [MW:35354] Cast-iron welding

1. Preheat joint area(other area, cover with mineral wool). 2. ENiCi or ENiFe-CI. 3. stringer bead. 4. peening is to be done on weldmetal im...