Monday, October 21, 2013

Re: [MW:19021] Hardness Value

Dear friend

When we speak about the method, e.g. HV or HB, basic differences occurred in the test procedure, but when we assume the load there is just a difference in the applied load. In general and equal condition you must have equal values for HV5 kg and HV10 kg. The original matter that we select a load is the material microstructure. In some cases these differences in microstructures lead to great differences in hardness values. So there is no table for converting the values because the error is not systematic. Always in similar cases it is recommended that test re-done in the desired load.


On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Krish QA <> wrote:

Dear Experts

our project specification requirement for hardness of structural tubular is 325 HV10 (Maximum) But the manufacturer provided test certificate of 325 HV5 (Maximum) and all the values found below 325.

1.    Is it Acceptable HV5 in the place of HV10?

2.    Is there any conversion method to conversion method to convert HV5 to HV10?

Thanks & Regards



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M. Shokri Arfaei
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