Monday, September 30, 2013

Re: [MW:18816] Post heating required for alloy steels after welding

 Preheat & Post heating  are mandatory for low Alloy steels... Cr-Moly steels are very brittle in nature and there is high chance of brittle fracture if you perform welding directly.

So, First you have to do pre-heat to make the Bevel end area and HAZ area soften. and then perform the welding by maintaining the pre-heat temperature ...once welding is completed, you should immediately do post heating  and cover the weld joint with fire blanket that the grain structure & material properties wont effect and to avoid delay cracking.

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On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 8:12 AM, PK M <> wrote:
Dear Experts,

Why post heating required for alloy steels after welding? I want to know that what is the procedure and acceptance of Post heating of alloy steel in piping specification like Section 31.3, 31.1 or Section VIII, API recommendation practices ?



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