Saturday, September 21, 2013

Re: [MW:18724] RE: 18696] Query regarding valve material with dual certification

Dear all,

i think this is common understanding between u and client. u can directly contact client and i am sure they will accept because no technical issue at all. even grinding will be completely nonsense.


On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Nachhattar Singh <> wrote:

Dear Gurunath


You can grind the letters not required,

BUT – what about the certificates which are already having dual certifications. No one will accept as this is a pure falsification of the documents.

Choice is yours,  but you can always refer the case to the client and seek the clarifications.

If  being accepted then well and good otherwise ask the vendor to comply with yor PO specifications which supersede everything.


Nachhattar Singh


From: [] On Behalf Of Gurunath Hanamar
Sent: 18 September, 2013 5:33 PM
Subject: [MW:18696] Query regarding valve material with dual certification


Dear Experts,


Dear All,


We are having valve with body material requirement as A351 CF8M but we have got a body which is dual certified for A351 CF3M as well as CF8M & it is embossed on the body as A351 CF3M / CF8M.


Problem here is TPI is telling us client requirement is A351 CF8M only, so body should  be embossed with only A351 CF8M so grind CF3M embossing on the body of all the valves. 


Kindly please help me with code reference's if available regarding dual certification & acceptable clause. Else please give more information(picture) regarding dual certification & how it came into practice.


Thanks in advance for your valuable time.




ವಂದನೆಗಳೊಂದಿಗೆ / Best regards, 


Gurunath Hanamar


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