Thursday, September 26, 2013

Re: [MW:18777] Distance between welds toes to weld centerline

Understand from your query that you are not able to maintain the minimum distance of 150mm between the reinforced plate and the Vertical Seam.
In my opinion
You would have to refer to and figure 5.9 and maintain the minimum spacing as specified in fig 5.9 (a) (c) (e), which ever is applicable and do the RT accordingly.
If you have a different opinion, please let me know, I would be willing to learn.
Thanks and Regards

From: Mervin <>
Sent: Wednesday, 25 September 2013, 16:16
Subject: [MW:18768] Distance between welds toes to weld centerline

Dear expert,

Could you please help me what is the other option if the spacing showing in the attached drawing is not achive. There is no paragrap also mentioned in this case in api650.


Mervin Dio
Qw welding insp.

Sent from my iPhone
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