Friday, September 27, 2013

[MW:18785] Clad plate heat treatment as per SA 264 after explosion bonding

Dear experts,
Please clarify our issue ie. In our case clad plate(SA 387 Gr.11
Cl.1+SS 304L), as per our customer spec. Heat treatment of the clad
plate shall be as per applicable clad plate material specification
ie.SA 264 . But our clad plate manufacturer insists that for higher
thickness clad plates heat treatment is not required(ie.46,54,75Thk) &
for lower thickness he will perform heat treatment(ie.24&28Thk). So my
question is as per SA 264 is heat treatment is required or not for
clad plates after explosion bonding and if required which type of heat
treatment is required.
Please clarify my query & thanks in advance for your valuable feedback.
With Warm Regards
Krishna Mudhale

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