Monday, September 23, 2013

Re: [MW:18741] Which filler wire is suitable to achieve Impact Prop 20J at -48°C (P1 materials; GTAW)

You can use ER70S2 . But my question is you are mentioning P1 material and PWHT Time & Temperature you are showing is abnormal.
Generally for P1 you should go for 595 +/- 15 Degrees. The temperature you are showing is used for Low Alloy Materials P4 ...&
-  Time you are showing 180 minutes...means 3 Hrs...if you check UCS 56 of Section VIII Div 1 - 1 Hr per inch ...
-  You are mentioning only One process - GTAW... then what is your Test coupon thickness.
- Kindly check the Heat treatment Cycle before proceeding ..


On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 12:50 PM, Mhaskar Aly <> wrote:

Dear Friends,


I have to qualify a PQR to achieve following properties, which filler wire is suitable.


PQR Data

·         Process GTAW

·         Material P1

·         PWHT 650° 180min

·         Impact Properties required 20J average at -48°C…

·         Hardness 200BHN max


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