Monday, September 23, 2013

Re: [MW:18745] Autogeneous x homogeneous x heterogeneous welding

Dear Anban ,

You can refer from the terminology section AWS A3.0 and other welding technology books for the following in more details :

1) Autogenous Weld -      A fusion weld made without filler metal.  - Examples are Solid Phase welding, resistance welding , sometimes GTAW used in tube to tubesheet in Heat Exchangers without adding Filler .
2) Homogeneous Weld -   A fusion weld made with filler , in which the filler is similar to basemetal chemical and mechanical properties . Examples, Arc welding like SMAW, GTAW, FCAW, SAW, GMAW etc.
3) Heterogeneous Weld -  A fusion weld made with filler material which is different from the parent material - Examples are Soldering and Brazing .

Hope this clarifies .

Saravanan ,

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 11:28 AM, Anban <> wrote:
 Dear Experts
 Pls define with some samples and its applicability

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