Sunday, September 22, 2013

Re: [MW:18726] Re: Why pressure drop occur even there was no leakage in hydrostatic test?

Providing more details regarding what is being tested and also the arrangements made would be helpful to give a justifiable reason for the drop in pressure.

In general during hydro testing pressure drop could be basically due to the following 
a) Drop in ambient temperature.
b) Air in the system is not vented out properly during pressurization.


On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 8:34 AM, mohd <> wrote:
dear friends
thanks for posting intersting question

pl specify whether
it is pipeline.U.G or A.G or vessels vertical horizontal
or skid or piping.
what is hydrotest medium n test pressure
pressure guage range

tempeature variation could.not be the only reason for pressure variation.

lets have more info for duscussion.


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