Monday, September 30, 2013

Re: [MW:18819] Clad plate heat treatment as per SA 264 after explosion bonding

Hi there Mr. Krishna,

Well as far as the heat treatment is concerned no deviation from d standard should be accepted. So please be firm on that account if applicable.

Explosion bonded plates can be separately heat treated before explosion bonding and which I think is a feasible option. Reason I think is due to difference of heat treatment procedures of two different metals i.e. annealing and normalizing. This is accepted by SA264 standard also. Pls go through.

Nothing is mentioned regarding the heat treatment of explosion bonded plate in the standard.

Thanks and regards,
Nishant Nair

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: <>;
To: <>;
Subject: Re: [MW:18817] Clad plate heat treatment as per SA 264 after explosion bonding
Sent: Mon, Sep 30, 2013 12:30:00 PM

The issue is the following:

The explosion bonding process will affect the properties of the 304 austenitic s.s?

With other worlds: the explosion bonding will lead to a precipitation of the chromium carbides and therefore a solution annealing heat treatment will be necessary to get a solution of those carbides in the 304 matrix?

Can your material manufacturer guarantee the properties of 304 without heat treatment?

Could you ask for the parameters of the explosion bonding process?
Could your manufacturer give you the temperatures which develop during this process and the relevant time periods?


    best regards

    Dr. Georgios Dilintas

    Authorized Nuclear Inspector
    Authorized Inspector Supervisor
    API 510 Inspector
    Prelude FLNG ASME Subject Matter Expert


    Tel: +30 210 40 63 113/4
    Fax: +30 210 40 63 118
    Cell: +30 69 44 64 62 04
    Korea cell phone: +82 10 2777 8922

krishna mudhale ---27/09/2013 19:36:38---Dear experts, Please clarify our issue ie. In our case clad plate(SA 387 Gr.11

From: krishna mudhale <>
Date: 27/09/2013 19:36
Subject: [MW:18785] Clad plate heat treatment as per SA 264 after explosion bonding
Sent by:

Dear experts,
Please clarify our issue ie. In our case clad plate(SA 387 Gr.11
Cl.1+SS 304L), as per our customer spec.  Heat treatment of the clad
plate shall be as per applicable clad plate material specification
ie.SA 264 . But our clad plate manufacturer insists that for higher
thickness clad plates heat treatment is not required(ie.46,54,75Thk) &
for lower thickness he will perform heat treatment(ie.24&28Thk). So my
question is as per SA 264 is heat treatment is required or not for
clad plates after explosion bonding and if required which type of heat
treatment is required.
Please clarify my query & thanks in advance for your valuable feedback.
With Warm Regards
Krishna Mudhale

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Re: [MW:18816] Post heating required for alloy steels after welding

 Preheat & Post heating  are mandatory for low Alloy steels... Cr-Moly steels are very brittle in nature and there is high chance of brittle fracture if you perform welding directly.

So, First you have to do pre-heat to make the Bevel end area and HAZ area soften. and then perform the welding by maintaining the pre-heat temperature ...once welding is completed, you should immediately do post heating  and cover the weld joint with fire blanket that the grain structure & material properties wont effect and to avoid delay cracking.

Qualify a test coupon for better analysis .


On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 8:12 AM, PK M <> wrote:
Dear Experts,

Why post heating required for alloy steels after welding? I want to know that what is the procedure and acceptance of Post heating of alloy steel in piping specification like Section 31.3, 31.1 or Section VIII, API recommendation practices ?



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Re: [MW:18817] Clad plate heat treatment as per SA 264 after explosion bonding

The issue is the following:

The explosion bonding process will affect the properties of the 304 austenitic s.s?

With other worlds: the explosion bonding will lead to a precipitation of the chromium carbides and therefore a solution annealing heat treatment will be necessary to get a solution of those carbides in the 304 matrix?

Can your material manufacturer guarantee the properties of 304 without heat treatment?

Could you ask for the parameters of the explosion bonding process?
Could your manufacturer give you the temperatures which develop during this process and the relevant time periods?


    best regards

    Dr. Georgios Dilintas

    Authorized Nuclear Inspector
    Authorized Inspector Supervisor
    API 510 Inspector
    Prelude FLNG ASME Subject Matter Expert


    Tel: +30 210 40 63 113/4
    Fax: +30 210 40 63 118
    Cell: +30 69 44 64 62 04
    Korea cell phone: +82 10 2777 8922

krishna mudhale ---27/09/2013 19:36:38---Dear experts, Please clarify our issue ie. In our case clad plate(SA 387 Gr.11

From: krishna mudhale <>
Date: 27/09/2013 19:36
Subject: [MW:18785] Clad plate heat treatment as per SA 264 after explosion bonding
Sent by:

Dear experts,
Please clarify our issue ie. In our case clad plate(SA 387 Gr.11
Cl.1+SS 304L), as per our customer spec.  Heat treatment of the clad
plate shall be as per applicable clad plate material specification
ie.SA 264 . But our clad plate manufacturer insists that for higher
thickness clad plates heat treatment is not required(ie.46,54,75Thk) &
for lower thickness he will perform heat treatment(ie.24&28Thk). So my
question is as per SA 264 is heat treatment is required or not for
clad plates after explosion bonding and if required which type of heat
treatment is required.
Please clarify my query & thanks in advance for your valuable feedback.
With Warm Regards
Krishna Mudhale

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Re: [MW:18817] Welding 36'' X 24'' Split tee(A 234 Gr WPB) on 16mm thick pipeline(API 5LX-65) carrying gas

Dear Mohamed,

Kindly find attached the split tee picture for your use.your swift response will be appreciated.

On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 11:12 PM, Mohamed Elsahhar <> wrote:
dear Friend
pls. clarify the nest point to help you

- please send me the picture of split tee to determine the fillet joint design
- the welding will done as a hot tap (pipe line in service) or just
weld the spit tee with pipe


On 9/27/13, PHILIP <> wrote:
> Gents,
> We are currently faced with a challenge with regards to welding a 50mm thick
> split tee fitting on a 16mm  gas pipeline, Could any one help me with past
> experience on this with regards to structural integrity of the weld and
> welding issues encountered.
> Best Regards
> Philip .T
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Best Regards
Philip .T

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Re: [MW:18815] RE: 18787] Re: using of second welder while welding SS material

Dear Mr.Mustaffi ,

Herewith I have attached Sample WPS with GTAW - Twin for Duplex material, just for your reference.


On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 11:28 AM, mustaffi <> wrote:

Dear Mr. Mohd,


If pleasure if you can share with us sample WPS as reference , really want to know in details method of works.





From: [] On Behalf Of mohd
Sent: Saturday, 28 September, 2013 1:27 PM
Subject: [MW:18787] Re: using of second welder while welding SS material


Dear Dharmadattu,


Yeah you have to mentioned in WPS.Process Twin tig for Root/hotPasses and same simulation to be done in PQR/WQT.






On Sunday, September 22, 2013 2:21:54 PM UTC+3, Dharma dattu wrote:

Dear Experts,

While welding of SS material we need to supply a backing gas, as an alternative a second welder is deployed from back side to support or to melt the weld metal uniformly. is this method to be included in WPS's or is this a general practice. 






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[MW:18811] Post heating required for alloy steels after welding

Dear Experts,

Why post heating required for alloy steels after welding? I want to know that what is the procedure and acceptance of Post heating of alloy steel in piping specification like Section 31.3, 31.1 or Section VIII, API recommendation practices ?



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Re: [MW:18811] [MW: 18787]Usage of GTAW and SMAW combination for pipes above 1.5"

general practice in power industries is if pipe thickness is less than 6mm, full TIG, if thick is more  than 6mm then TIG+SMAW

On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Saravanan Sornam <> wrote:

Hi sumod,
Yes you can use GTAW and SMAW combination provided your PQR is qualified without PWHT as you said and ensure any restrictions like GTAW only to be used until 3" pipes as per your spec. I think shell DEP , PDO specs have these limitations.

On Sep 29, 2013 5:17 PM, "sumod s" <> wrote:
The combination WP which I have only GTAW range up to 6 mm & SMAW range up to 12 mm. So I cannot split this WPS to use GTAW for 1.5"(7.14 mm thick), 2" (8.74 mm thick) & 3" (11.13 mm thick)pipes. So Can I use the combination- GTAW + SMAW for these pipes.

On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 8:03 AM, kannayeram gnanapandithan <> wrote:
What is max weld metal thickness in PQR. u can use single process separated from combination provided all essential  variables are addressed,

On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Octane Mac <> wrote:
Yes, there is no issue in doing that.
You can use only GTAW if the thickness range with GTAW on the qualified procedure covers up to the maximum thickness of 3" pipe that is 11.13.


On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 6:28 AM, sumod s <> wrote:
Dear experts,
Material is Gr.P22 alloy, thickness is less than 13 mm. The WPS which I have for GTAW need PWHT. But since the thickness is less than 13 mm I need to avoid PWHT.
Unfortunately I don't have WPS for GTAW with out PWHT, but I have a GTAW + SMAW wps without PWHT which will cover the required thickness range. Can I use GTAW + SMAW combination for welding 1.5"(7.14 mm thick), 2" (8.74 mm thick) & 3" (11.13 mm thick)pipes.

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Re: [MW:18813] Option for E6010 in root welding

E6010 is used only for root weld in pipe line because during welding (cellulose electrodes) decomposes cellulose + water, generates carbon monoxide and Hydrogen, Hydrogen gas is poor electrical conductor and has a high ionization potential that causes the resistance of the arc opening to increase and the electrons emission to decrease, which result in a higher arc voltage and more penetrating arc   

On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Srini Vasan <> wrote:

E 6010 is most suitable for deeply penetrarion,also it reduces slag inclusion.but if we use E 7018 we cant achieve good penetration.E 6010 electrodes mostly utilized in pipelines,for deep penetration and good characteristics.

On 29 Sep 2013 13:26, "Octane Mac" <> wrote:
1) Question is not clear. What do you mean by option?
2) E7018 arc is not deeply penetrating like of E6010
3) E7010-A1 contains 0.5% Mo unlike E6010. There isn't any similar E7010 like E6010. SFA 5.5 deals with alloyed steels and 5.1 with carbon steel.


On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 9:57 AM, Sam <> wrote:
Dear experts,

1) i want to learn that is there any option of E6010 in root welding of pipe by SMAW available ? i do know that same E6010 used for API 5L grade B, 42 and upto grade 60 also. 

2) If we use E7018 in root (when it suits UTS of base metal) , what is the main problem ? is it only about slag in inside face  and penetration ?

3) Why E6010 is AWS SFA 5.1 and same E7010 is AWS SFA 5.5 (both looks same except UTS) ?

please answer in details.


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[MW:18814] RE: 18787] Re: using of second welder while welding SS material

Dear Mr. Mohd,


If pleasure if you can share with us sample WPS as reference , really want to know in details method of works.





From: [] On Behalf Of mohd
Sent: Saturday, 28 September, 2013 1:27 PM
Subject: [MW:18787] Re: using of second welder while welding SS material


Dear Dharmadattu,


Yeah you have to mentioned in WPS.Process Twin tig for Root/hotPasses and same simulation to be done in PQR/WQT.






On Sunday, September 22, 2013 2:21:54 PM UTC+3, Dharma dattu wrote:

Dear Experts,

While welding of SS material we need to supply a backing gas, as an alternative a second welder is deployed from back side to support or to melt the weld metal uniformly. is this method to be included in WPS's or is this a general practice. 






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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Re: [MW:18810] Option for E6010 in root welding

E 6010 is most suitable for deeply penetrarion,also it reduces slag inclusion.but if we use E 7018 we cant achieve good penetration.E 6010 electrodes mostly utilized in pipelines,for deep penetration and good characteristics.

On 29 Sep 2013 13:26, "Octane Mac" <> wrote:
1) Question is not clear. What do you mean by option?
2) E7018 arc is not deeply penetrating like of E6010
3) E7010-A1 contains 0.5% Mo unlike E6010. There isn't any similar E7010 like E6010. SFA 5.5 deals with alloyed steels and 5.1 with carbon steel.


On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 9:57 AM, Sam <> wrote:
Dear experts,

1) i want to learn that is there any option of E6010 in root welding of pipe by SMAW available ? i do know that same E6010 used for API 5L grade B, 42 and upto grade 60 also. 

2) If we use E7018 in root (when it suits UTS of base metal) , what is the main problem ? is it only about slag in inside face  and penetration ?

3) Why E6010 is AWS SFA 5.1 and same E7010 is AWS SFA 5.5 (both looks same except UTS) ?

please answer in details.


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Re: [MW:18809] Option for E6010 in root welding

1) Question is not clear. What do you mean by option?
2) E7018 arc is not deeply penetrating like of E6010
3) E7010-A1 contains 0.5% Mo unlike E6010. There isn't any similar E7010 like E6010. SFA 5.5 deals with alloyed steels and 5.1 with carbon steel.


On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 9:57 AM, Sam <> wrote:
Dear experts,

1) i want to learn that is there any option of E6010 in root welding of pipe by SMAW available ? i do know that same E6010 used for API 5L grade B, 42 and upto grade 60 also. 

2) If we use E7018 in root (when it suits UTS of base metal) , what is the main problem ? is it only about slag in inside face  and penetration ?

3) Why E6010 is AWS SFA 5.1 and same E7010 is AWS SFA 5.5 (both looks same except UTS) ?

please answer in details.


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Re: [MW:18808] [MW: 18787]Usage of GTAW and SMAW combination for pipes above 1.5"

Hi sumod,
Yes you can use GTAW and SMAW combination provided your PQR is qualified without PWHT as you said and ensure any restrictions like GTAW only to be used until 3" pipes as per your spec. I think shell DEP , PDO specs have these limitations.

On Sep 29, 2013 5:17 PM, "sumod s" <> wrote:
The combination WP which I have only GTAW range up to 6 mm & SMAW range up to 12 mm. So I cannot split this WPS to use GTAW for 1.5"(7.14 mm thick), 2" (8.74 mm thick) & 3" (11.13 mm thick)pipes. So Can I use the combination- GTAW + SMAW for these pipes.

On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 8:03 AM, kannayeram gnanapandithan <> wrote:
What is max weld metal thickness in PQR. u can use single process separated from combination provided all essential  variables are addressed,

On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Octane Mac <> wrote:
Yes, there is no issue in doing that.
You can use only GTAW if the thickness range with GTAW on the qualified procedure covers up to the maximum thickness of 3" pipe that is 11.13.


On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 6:28 AM, sumod s <> wrote:
Dear experts,
Material is Gr.P22 alloy, thickness is less than 13 mm. The WPS which I have for GTAW need PWHT. But since the thickness is less than 13 mm I need to avoid PWHT.
Unfortunately I don't have WPS for GTAW with out PWHT, but I have a GTAW + SMAW wps without PWHT which will cover the required thickness range. Can I use GTAW + SMAW combination for welding 1.5"(7.14 mm thick), 2" (8.74 mm thick) & 3" (11.13 mm thick)pipes.

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Re: [MW:18806] Welding 36'' X 24'' Split tee(A 234 Gr WPB) on 16mm thick pipeline(API 5LX-65) carrying gas

Dear philip,
1. need to calculate the weld metal deposit
normally pipe wall thickness x2 times only you need deposit the fillet weld
2. main issue is heat input and inter pass temperature you need to maintain during welding
3. for gas line dont use the electrical resistance method try to use burners
4. prefer the vertical down method welding if it is 5G position.


From: Mohamed Elsahhar <>
Sent: Sunday, 29 September 2013 3:42 AM
Subject: Re: [MW:18804] Welding 36'' X 24'' Split tee(A 234 Gr WPB) on 16mm thick pipeline(API 5LX-65) carrying gas

dear Friend
pls. clarify the nest point to help you

- please send me the picture of split tee to determine the fillet joint design
- the welding will done as a hot tap (pipe line in service) or just
weld the spit tee with pipe


On 9/27/13, PHILIP <> wrote:
> Gents,
> We are currently faced with a challenge with regards to welding a 50mm thick
> split tee fitting on a 16mm  gas pipeline, Could any one help me with past
> experience on this with regards to structural integrity of the weld and
> welding issues encountered.
> Best Regards
> Philip .T
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Re: [MW:18806] [MW: 18787]Usage of GTAW and SMAW combination for pipes above 1.5"

The combination WP which I have only GTAW range up to 6 mm & SMAW range up to 12 mm. So I cannot split this WPS to use GTAW for 1.5"(7.14 mm thick), 2" (8.74 mm thick) & 3" (11.13 mm thick)pipes. So Can I use the combination- GTAW + SMAW for these pipes.

On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 8:03 AM, kannayeram gnanapandithan <> wrote:
What is max weld metal thickness in PQR. u can use single process separated from combination provided all essential  variables are addressed,

On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Octane Mac <> wrote:
Yes, there is no issue in doing that.
You can use only GTAW if the thickness range with GTAW on the qualified procedure covers up to the maximum thickness of 3" pipe that is 11.13.


On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 6:28 AM, sumod s <> wrote:
Dear experts,
Material is Gr.P22 alloy, thickness is less than 13 mm. The WPS which I have for GTAW need PWHT. But since the thickness is less than 13 mm I need to avoid PWHT.
Unfortunately I don't have WPS for GTAW with out PWHT, but I have a GTAW + SMAW wps without PWHT which will cover the required thickness range. Can I use GTAW + SMAW combination for welding 1.5"(7.14 mm thick), 2" (8.74 mm thick) & 3" (11.13 mm thick)pipes.

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[MW:18802] Option for E6010 in root welding

Dear experts,

1) i want to learn that is there any option of E6010 in root welding of pipe by SMAW available ? i do know that same E6010 used for API 5L grade B, 42 and upto grade 60 also. 

2) If we use E7018 in root (when it suits UTS of base metal) , what is the main problem ? is it only about slag in inside face  and penetration ?

3) Why E6010 is AWS SFA 5.1 and same E7010 is AWS SFA 5.5 (both looks same except UTS) ?

please answer in details.


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Re: [MW:18802] [MW: 18787]Usage of GTAW and SMAW combination for pipes above 1.5"

What is max weld metal thickness in PQR. u can use single process separated from combination provided all essential  variables are addressed,

On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Octane Mac <> wrote:
Yes, there is no issue in doing that.
You can use only GTAW if the thickness range with GTAW on the qualified procedure covers up to the maximum thickness of 3" pipe that is 11.13.


On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 6:28 AM, sumod s <> wrote:
Dear experts,
Material is Gr.P22 alloy, thickness is less than 13 mm. The WPS which I have for GTAW need PWHT. But since the thickness is less than 13 mm I need to avoid PWHT.
Unfortunately I don't have WPS for GTAW with out PWHT, but I have a GTAW + SMAW wps without PWHT which will cover the required thickness range. Can I use GTAW + SMAW combination for welding 1.5"(7.14 mm thick), 2" (8.74 mm thick) & 3" (11.13 mm thick)pipes.

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[MW:35485] Aluminium welding

Dear Sirs, i need technical details on aluminium welding. could anyone help me with aluminium welding. kind regards, K Vinodh kumar Hosur, t...