Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Re: [MW:7858] WQT-Visual Acceptance Criteria Issue

Dear Raghuram Sir & Karthik sir,
Thank you very much for the prompt reply.Based on this only I can ask remaining thing in my mind.
Dear All,
I reviewed following clauses of ASME BPV SEC IX.

QW-142 Special Examinations for Welders

Radiographic or ultrasonic examination per QW-191may be substituted for mechanical testing of QW-141 for

groove-weld performance qualification as permitted in QW-304 to prove the ability of welders to make sound



QW-143 Examination for Welding Operators

Radiographic or ultrasonic examination per QW-191 may be substituted for mechanical testing of QW-141 for groove weld performance qualification as permitted in QW-305 to prove the ability of welding operators to make sound welds.


QW-144 Visual Examination

Visual examination as described in QW-194 is used to determine that the final weld surfaces meet specified quality


QW-194 Visual Examination — Performance

Performance test coupons shall show complete joint penetration with complete fusion of weld metal and base metal.


QW-302.2 Volumetric NDE.


When the welder or welding operator is qualified by volumetric NDE, as permitted in QW-304 for welders and QW-305 for welding (10) operators, the minimum length of coupon(s) to be examined shall be 6 in. (150 mm) and shall include the entire weld circumference for pipe(s), except that for small diameter pipe, multiple coupons may be required, but the number need not exceed four consecutively made test coupons. The examination technique and acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with QW-191.


QW-191 Volumetric NDE

QW-191.1 Radiographic Examination

QW-191.1.1 Method.

The radiographic examination in QW-142 for welders and in QW-143 for welding operators shall meet the requirements of Article 2, Section V,except as follows:

(a) a written radiographic examination procedure is not required. Demonstration of density and image quality

requirements on production or technique radiographs shall be considered satisfactory evidence of compliance with

Article 2 of Section V

(b) final acceptance of radiographs shall be based on the ability to see the prescribed image and the specified

hole of a hole-type image quality indicator (IQI) or the designated wire of a wire-type IQI. The acceptance standards

of QW-191.1.2 shall be met.



QW- Production Welds. The acceptance criteria for welders or welding operators who qualify on

production welds by radiography as permitted in QW-304.1 or QW-305.1 shall be per QW-





My query is that, QW 194 is dealing with complete joint penetration and fusion only. What is the acceptance criteria for cap and root under cut,arc strikes,bead profile?Why ASME  BPV is silent on remaining defects ? 









On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Bathula Raghuram (Mumbai - PIPING) <> wrote:

QW302.4, QW194

"Performance test coupons shall show complete joint penetration with complete fusion of weld metal and base metal".



From: [] On Behalf Of limesh M
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 10:03 AM
To: Materials & Welding
Subject: [MW:7847] WQT-Visual Acceptance Criteria Issue


Dear All,


Design Code - ASME B31.3

Welding Code - ASME BPV SEC IX


I want to qualify some welders and welding operators based on ASME BPV SEC IX.

What is the visual acceptance criteria as per code (Suppose there is no client specification regarding this matter)?

Please mention the relevant code clauses for reference.







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Dear Perumal, I answer the same but got one more question where it is written that TPI witness is mandatory? -- https://materials-...